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• Maddi POV •

I woke up to a text from Jack. Yeah, we'd exchanged numbers.

We're all going down to the beach today so get ready ;) we're on the way

I laughed and got up. It was like seven minutes ago so I had time to get ready.

I rushed to the bathroom and changed into a top and bottoms.

Someone knocked on the door a couple seconds later, "I got it!" Sadie called out. I hurried up and brushed my teeth and put on a dress then came out.

"I'm ready." I stated. We all got up and left. There was like a ten minute drive before we pulled in.

When I got out Jack and I walked down to the shore where everyone who'd left before us were waiting. Once we got there I spotted Carter and Lana, why was she sitting on his lap? Why was she here? Why is she on this side of Earth?

I got on Jack's back and we approached them all. I smirked when Carter saw me on his back, his face literally turned green and he lightly pushed Lana off his lap and looked the other way. I kissed Jack's cheek and we sat down. I sat in front of him and rubbed my feet against his.

"That feels weird." he laughed. "I like when people play with me feet." I shrugged. Carter got up and walked to the water, Lana following. Everyone else had gone too.

"Good job with making him jealous by the way." Jack said. I averted my attention to him. "Huh?" I questioned.

"I know you aren't really interested in me, you kept looking at Jacob when you read my palms and we basically followed Carter all day." he shrugged. "You don't have to pretend you like me, I know you don't." he chuckled. "I mean at first I did, but then..." he rambled.

"I'm sorry. I didn't think you'd notice." I muttered chewing on my lip. He shrugged, "Come on let's go to the water."


"Why are you freaking out!?" I heard shouting. I know it's not right to eavesdrop, but I mean come on. "You leaked my number so don't yell at me. I should be the one yelling." Carter snapped. "It's not my fault!" Lana snapped back. "It is your fault you shouldn't have tried to show our conversation." he snapped.

"You're mine, I do whatever the hell I want with you and our conversations." she scoffed. "I actually thought you were different." he muttered loud enough for me to hear.

"Well, I thought right about you being a stupid fucking asshole." she spat, "So we're done." she said. I saw her storm out the room and glare at me. "You can have him. You're all he wants anyways."

I walked in the room quietly to see him rubbing his temples as his phone buzzed every two seconds.

"Sorry, I'll go." I muttered. He didn't try and stop me so I went back to the other room.

"Is it bad I'm happy they're done?" I asked Sawyer who'd been sitting on the bed. "Yeah same, everyone knows his number now." she said.

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sorry this is short and boring! Two updates in a day. whoop whoop.

Next one will be really interesting ;)

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