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• Maddi POV •

I had grabbed Jack's arm and drug him over to a more private place. It's not like he didn't want to and the event hadn't started yet.

"So what do you like to do?" I asked him. He laughed lightly, and it made my lady parts tingle.

"Uh, I like making music with Jack and making people laugh." he said shrugging, I literally could've just melted in my shoes.

-Hoe needs to stay away from Jack because she got Carter -

"Oh yeah? Try to make me laugh." I challenged, crossing my arms. He smirked at me before taking a breath. He reached out and tickled me. I laughed so hard and it wasn't really all that cute to me. He kept tickling me and I felt like I'd pee my pants. "Stop!" I snorted. He started laughing with me and he stopped. "How old are you?" I asked him. You know just in case he's like, older than what I think he is...

"Seventeen." he smiled. A year younger than Carter. "Well I'm sixteen." I informed him. He smirked. "Let's play twenty one questions." I suggested. Why not? That's what Carter suggested forwards us to get to know each other.

"Can we go sit somewhere?" he asked. I laughed and nodded. He hooked one of his hands, which were really big, on my waist and guided me to a table.

He pulled out my seat and I sat. "You only have twenty questions left by the way." I teased. He laughed, but didn't argue. "Do you have any siblings?" I asked. He nodded. "I have two sisters named Laura and Molly." he said.

Laura is Matthew's mom's name, Matthew is friends with Carter. Why does everything that comes out of his mouth correlate to Carter in some way?

"Do you?" he asked. I laughed and nodded, "Yeah. Mason." I answered. "Oh yeah." he said laughing also. "Okay, where are you from?" I asked. "Nebraska. You?" he asked.

"You're only asking me the questions I asked you." I pointed out while laughing. "but I'm from here." I answered. I spotted Carter and Lana walking off somewhere in the back.

"Virginia seems so... boring." he said, his voice drifted from my ears as I watched them sneak away.

"Enough of this game, let's go somehwere else." I stated getting up and probably cutting him off. He shrugged and did so.

We walked closer to where they'd gone.

I wanted Carter to see, also I wanted him to get jealous. I don't even know why he would though. I'm the one who likes him, not the other way around.

I looked around and noticed they weren't over here. Instead I saw Jacob and Mahogany making out. Which did leave a mark in my heart. "Didn't you date Jacob?" he asked me. I nodded looking down obviously ashamed of it.

"Can I read you palm?" I asked him. He shrugged and nodded, I led him to a bench on the outside and sat across from him.

He gave me his hand and I held it in mine. I opened his palm and traced my finger tips along the lines. I looked to the side to see if Jacob was looking, he wasn't.

I started running them over his palm lightly because that makes everyone laugh and he started chuckling loudly. I looked to the side again and Jacob and Mahogany were both looking. I smiled and brought his knuckles to my lips and placed a soft kiss on them.

"You're tense, um. I'm guessing you're birthday is coming up soon and your singing career is going somewhere." I guessed. I didn't even know what I was doing to be honest. I just said that, but I've heard him sing before, both Jack's, so it should be getting somewhere.

"My birthday is actually this month." he said. I smiled, because I guessed right. "September tenth?" I asked. I was really great at guessing things, no I'm kidding that just boosted my confidence. He just didn't look like a seventeen year old so I'd just assumed his birthday was coming up.

"Wow are you psychic?" he joked. I nodded playing along. I looked side ways again to see Jacob watching angrily while Mahogany was on her phone ignoring everything.

I smirked at him and got up. "It's really hot out here, we should go back inside, I'm all sweaty." I suggested. My work was done.

We walked in and I saw Carter and Lana, she was leant against the wall and he was kissing her neck, their downsides were pushed in together. They looked cute, and I was jealous.

I looked up at Jack and he was taking off his jacket. I grabbed it from him and put it on. "Yes, you can wear my jacket." he laughed. I smiled and we started walking.

His hands came down from his pockets and they brushed on my hips once or twice before I dropped my hands down from being crossed over my chest and pushed them on his occasionally.

We were definitely flirting... right?

I laced my fingers in his and he turned his palm around and intertwined our fingers. We were holding hands, I looked up and smiled shyly at him. I wasn't shy right now, I was just putting on an act. "You're really cute." he smiled back.

I looked as we walked past everyone to see them watching, even Carter.

I looked away from him feeling my ears heating up. What the hell was I doing?

I looked over to see Sadie burning her eyes into mine. She smirked at me glancing from Jack then back to me.

"The events starting soon." he told me. I nodded, "Do you have to go back to Jack?" I questioned. He nodded, "You should come out with us." he suggested. I nodded, "Okay. Go ahead and I'll catch up." I suggested.

I watched as he walked away before walking over to Sadie.

"So much for not using Jack to make Carter jealous." she smirked. "Shut up." I mumbled.


Bamm early update!

So I was just remembering how everything was soon going to end in this book. I'm actually so sad because I love this book :(

But it's gonna have a sequel! Who's excited for a sequel because I am.

Anyways I have like fifteen or more chapters left. Some are gonna be kinda short after this though. Like you'll know when its about to end.

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