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• Maddi POV •

I woke up to someone knocking on the door. It was probably Carter because he didn't sleep in our room. He went to his own so I slept on the couch and Matthew and Mason slept on the bed.

I got up and the sun was just now about to rise. I rubbed my eyes and opened the door.

"What the heck." I mumbled. I looked up to see Jacob. "I thought we could watch sunrise together." he smiled. I smiled fake and slightly and grabbed his hand dragging him over to the balcony. He kept looking back. "Did Carter not stay the night here?" he asked. I narrowed my baggy eyes at him. "Why does it matter?" I asked. He shook his head and shrugged, "It doesn't."

We stepped out to the balcony and when the sun rised he smiled and pulled me into his chest. My back was pressed tightly against his chest and he grabbed my hands and placed them on the railing. He rested his chin on my head.

"Alright the sun has rised." I mumbled sleepily. I dragged him back inside the room and I laid down on the couch. "I'm going back to sleep. I shouldn't be awake until like twelve." I groaned. He came over quickly and grabbed my arm and laid down and pulled me onto him.

"I'll go to sleep with you." he said. I smiled awkwardly and just let him lay under me...


The door creaked open. I ignored it and pushed my head deeper on the pillow I'd been laying on. It was harder than I expected, but then I remembered Jacob had stayed.

I felt two shadows towering above us, but I ignored it and tried to go back to sleep.

"It's obviously Jacob." I heard Matthew say. "I really don't like him."Carter replied.

So it was Carter and Matthew.

"He's up to something because he never comes around this much and when he's here, he's with Lox." Carter said.

Who's Lox?

"As true as that is, I've known Maddi long enough to know she's stubborn. She's not going to listen or care about what we say so we should just let whatever's going go. Who knows that maybe there is no game and he actually likes her." Matthew said.

"That's the thing. You can't like someone you just met." Carter said. It was quiet for a while, "Maybe he's trying to get to know her. Do you like her?" Matthew asked, "because it seems like you do." he added, "I just said you can't like someone you just met. I just think he's up to something." Carter snapped quickly.

Well, damn.

"Let's just leave it." Matthew said.

Yeah, that's what they should do because I wouldn't date someone I just met. I did not like Jacob like that. We just met and we're probably never going to meet again.

"Let's go." Carter said. I rubbed my legs against Jacob's and he stretched out. I opened my eyes and stared up at him. He smiled before opening his eyes. "Did you sleep good?" he asked in his sleepy voice. I nodded and yawned sitting up.

I saw Carter and Matthew standing in the kitchen. "Goodmorning." Matthew smiled. I smiled back, "Good morning." I said. Carter smiled fakely and I turned back to Jacob.

"Nice hair." he laughed. "Don't look at it!" I laughed pushing it down with my hands. "Relax. You look pretty." he said. Carter scoffed, but I ignored him. I smiled and got up. "Where you going?" he asked.

"Brush my teeth. You know, the usual morning routine." I shrugged.


"Where are you taking me?" I asked Jacob. "Exploring." he said. I nodded, "Your brother's name is Mason right? He can come too. I'm pretty sure Nash's brother would be happy to spend some time with someone his age." he said. I nodded and went back inside our hotel room. He followed me.

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