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• Maddi POV •

"The party's here!" Carter yelled. I smiled getting up to go see him. I didn't know why I got so happy, I just did.

I guess Carter and I became better friends, he certainly was a better thought in my head than before.

"Madday!" he shouted once he saw me. I laughed as he walked over, hugging me. "It was literally barely a full day." I told him while hugging back. He shrugged and his mom came in. I knew it was his mom from his vines and how Asian she looked. "Hi." she said smiling.

"Hey." I smiled back. Laura came down seconds later with a suitcase. She hugged and kissed us, as did Carter's mom, and then she started for the door. "Maddi, I give you my trust, tell Mason I said goodbye and give him a hug and kiss for me." she said. I nodded while laughing until they disappeared.

"We're about to turn up! Whoo!" Carter shouted, dancing around. Matthew yelled also and they both started dancing.

"Hey." Carter said as he stopped dancing. He made a serious thinking face. "Where's Mason?" he asked. Matthew shrugged, "He's still asleep." I told them. Carter looked at Matthew, "How'd you not know where he was and you guys share a room? He's sleeping idiot." he teased. Matthew pretended to be hurt.

"I'm going to go wake up Mason." I said walking away. I ran my finger tips along the wall as I made my way up to Matthew's room.

I walked in, since he had top bunk, all I could see was his arm dangling. I walked over to him, climbing up the ladder. I tapped his back softly and he rolled over groaning. I know he's tired because when we got back him and Matthew stayed up all night playing games and he didn't sleep on the flight back.

"Mason wake up." I said softly. He groaned. "Why?" he asked looking towards me. I scooted back, morning breath. "Carter's here." I told him. He nodded and laid back down. "Give me two more hours. He'll be here all week." he groaned.

I sighed hopping off the ladder and going back.

Matthew and Carter were sitting on the couch eating chips. I sat down on one of the singular couches and watched whatever was on the tv. "Maddi." Matthew called out. I looked to him. "Yeah?" I replied.

"You're cool right?" he asked. I shrugged, "I can't really say so myself."

"Then I guess you'll be put to the test." Carter told me. I crinkled my eyebrows at them. "We want to have a party." Matthew said getting to the point. I shook my head, "Laura said no to that. I don't want to get in trouble or disobey her, especially since she took Mason and I in." I said.

"Come on Mads." Matthew said.

I literally felt fire burning from my ears. "Please don't call me that." I told him. He smirked at Carter before looking back to me. "So can we? Mads." he said.

"I said don't call me that." snapped at him. He looked frightened by how loud I yelled. "What's wrong with that name?" Carter asked. "Just don't, forget about it. Have your dumb ass party if you want to. Just leave me out of it." I snapped getting up.

I walked out the front door leaving them speechless.

I felt bad about snapping and yelling at Matthew and Carter for something they didn't know. My parents were the only ones who'd ever called me Mads and I did not want anyone else calling me that.

That was our thing. I miss them so much it's really bad because after six years of missing someone you're supposed to forget them or not be so sad or as upset as I've been.

I don't know where I was walking, but wherever my feet took me was where I'd end.

My phone started ringing. I looked down and it was Matthew. I ignored it, I'm not in the mood to talk to anyone right now. I need some space before I say something I'd regret.

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