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• Maddi POV •

"You can't be serious." He said letting me go. I shrugged, "What, did you spend half your life locked up?" he asked.

Okay, so he didn't know I was basically locked up in a room half your life so don't attack him.

"I need you to show me what a magcon is." I sighed. He chuckled before taking us inside. We sat on one of the bar stools and he explained to me who was who and what was what.

I now had an instagram and a twitter. I know what twitter is I just have never used it or made an account.

"And I'm Jacob Whitesides. I make videos, I sing, but most importantly I'm single." he flirted. That's flirting right? "Tell me about yourself." he said. I didn't really know what to say.

I'm Maddi. I have a brother named Mason and I had a little sister name Abigail and two parents that accidentally abandoned us. We spent six years without a real home. We are kinda homeless right now so we're staying at a temporary home that just so happens to be Matthew Espinosa's house not that it ever bothered me.

"I'm sixteen and my name is Maddi." I shrugged. He grinned at me with an amused expression. "That it?" he asked. I shrugged, "Sorry, I'm boring." I mumbled.

He chuckled and wrapped his arm around me. "I'm gonna have a bit of fun with you." he said.

"Maddi, are you in here?" We both turned our heads to the door and watched as Matthew stumbled inside.

"The event is officially starting." he said staring at Jacob. I stood up, "Where is my brother?" I barked. "In the auditorium." Matthew answered, shrugging.

"Why did you leave him alone?" I raised my voice as I rushed up and to the door. "He could get kidnapped." fussed. Jacob and Matthew raised eyebrows. Matthew understood more, but Jacob was utterly confused.

"Take me to my brother!" I officially shouted. Jacob grabbed my hand and he led me to where Mason was.

I saw him with the snap back and bandana guy from earlier, Jacob identified them as Carter and Taylor, dancing to some music. I let out a relieved sigh as I rushed over to him and grabbed on his arm. "I told you before if you ever leave my side with Matthew to stay with Matthew." I reminded him.

He stopped dancing and looked down. "You know how I feel about this." I somewhat whispered. He looked so embarrassed and I felt someone grab my arm and pull me back.

"It's okay Bart, she's with me." Matthew said. I turned around to see a giant, compared to me he was giant. "Mason don't leave our sides." I demanded yanking away from Bart, he nodded. "I was just having fun." He told me. I sighed and nodded, "I know, Mason, but I don't want what happened to you before to happen again." I said.

He nodded, "Next time, tell Matthew that if he's planning to be alone with you that he has to make sure you're glued to his side." I instructed, "I'm just going to go sit now." He mumbled, after he walked away, Jacob walked over to me and guided me away.

"Damn." he stated. I glared at him. "You don't understand." I mumbled. He grabbed two folded chairs and opened them up for us to sit and faced me. "Then help me." he said. I rolled my eyes. "Not that it's any of your business, but I'm all he has and vice versa." I said honestly. "What was it you mentioned before?" he asked referring to my kidnapping scene.

I brushed it off. "I don't know what you're talking about." I lied. Playing it dumb is how I would get out of things, I knew that people obviously understood what I was doing and considering my life, they would just let the subject go for the sake of everyone.

"If you ever feel like telling anyone, I'm literally right here." He spoke, I opened my mouth to change the subject, but I heard banging on the giant double door. He smirked at me. "They're here."

Who was here? I didn't know how I felt about that.

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