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You Guys Aren't Ready For This.!

• Maddi POV •

"Whoa." I said.

We just walked in on an intense make out session...

"Whoa." Carter mumbled. Matthew and Sadie pulled apart. "It's not what it looks like!" they shouted in unison. They turned and smiled at each other. "Awe." Carter cooed, "how cute." he added.

"What are you two doing out here?" I asked them. Matthew smirked at Carter and I, "I could ask you the same thing." he replied.

"Oh no, we're out here for Jacob." I said crossing my arms. I felt Carter roll his eyes. "She's out here for him." he corrected. I nodded agreeing with him.

"I'm going to leave." Sadie said. Matthew got up and they walked off holding hands. Carter and I waited at the buffet center for almost an hour.

"Let's just go." he said pulling me. I nodded and he wrapped his arm around me as we walked back. "Do you think he stood me up?" I asked. Carter shook his head, "No, You're an amazing girl he probably left because you took too long and went back and fell asleep." he said.

"You're such a great person, how do you not have a girlfriend?" I questioned.

He looked down, "they never work out for me."

"You'll find someone who you'll be perfect for and she'll be lucky to have you." I said, his hand rubbed my shoulder. "Yeah, but I'd be luckier." he muttered.

"Wanna do something crazy?" he asked. I nodded and he grabbed my hand dragging me through the hotel. It seemed he'd been doing that a lot tonight, dragging me.

• Sadie POV •

"Mason and Hayes fell asleep." I told Matthew. He smirked before we got up and walked down to the snack area.

Matthew and I have been dating for a month or two, but we've hid our relationship from anyone.

We were sitting at a table talking about how clueless everyone was I mean it was obvious we were dating.

He put his hand on my thigh and turned me to face him. "You're so perfect." he stated. I felt my cheeks heat up and he kissed them each. He used his free hand cupped my face turning it to him.

He pushed a hair behind my ear and stared into my eyes.

I always make the first move, it's not a problem though. He's just one of those guys who doesn't want to push things.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in smashing our lips together. Our lips were already agape and our tongues collided in sync.

I pushed myself into him harder not getting enough of him.

"Whoa." someone said causing us to jump apart. "It's not what it looks like!" Matt and I said in unison. I smiled at him and he smiled back.

Carter and Maddi were out of the room.

That made me wonder what they were doing out so late especially since Laura made Maddi room with her and Carter went because we left him to get ice cream and I just guess that he didn't wanna come back or something.

Matthew and I held hands as we walked off.

"They're so cute and they don't even try." I told Matthew. "You're so cute and you don't try." he told me. I smiled and he poked my nose.

"Let's go back, I'm sleepy." I said. He smirked as we made our way back.

I changed into a pair of his boxers, they were so big that they almost touched the top of my knee. I grabbed one of his t shirts and laid on one of the un occupied beds.

He came out the bathroom and laid next to me. "Goodnight." he said. I always slept on my back so he'd always lay his head on my stomach while he laid on his.

I could get used to this everynight.



^^^^idk why I typed it like that...

sorry for those who thought it'd be Jox kissing I ship them. They're sooo cuteeeeee.

I'm just starting my first year in high school on the 25 NO ONE WANTS TO GO BACK. (at least I don't...)

Anyways. if I don't comment back to everyone I'm sorry I try lol it's just the comments are so funny that I laugh hard and forget or I don't know what to say but you guys mean a lot.

My friend (ridinonjerry) always thinks that I'm texting someone because I always smile so hard or laugh when I read it and I never know what to tell that hoe lol jk about the hoe thing love you :*

I doubt anyone read that but if you did I love youuuuu.!!!

Vote and comment if you want. (:

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