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• Sadie's POV •

"Yeah well, you fucked up." I laughed at Carter. He sighed, "If you actually showed an interest in her maybe she'd actually announce her feelings for you." I shrugged.

He rolled his eyes. "It's not that easy." He mumbled. "Make it easy." I shrugged crossing my arms. "I can't. She won't just come running back to me." He said. I started laughing, "She can't run back to you because you never had her in the first place." I noticed he'd been glaring strongly at me.

"Anyways... you said it wasn't that easy of course it isn't. Just do something special. Perform something for her in the talent show." I shrugged. "I don't want to." He muttered. I shrugged, "Too bad then."

He was going to be pulling into their house any minute now.

"We're here. I'll make the situation worse for you later." I said patting his shoulder. He rolled his eyes and we walked inside. "Matthew!" I said ecstatically walking over to him and sitting on his lap. I turned my body to face him and pecked his lips.

"I missed my baby." I said pinching his cheeks. He smiled and kissed me. I got off his lap and cuddled into his chest. Carter was still standing by the door, but I could see him and Maddi was awkwardly sitting next to us. "This could be you guys, but you're both stupid." I laughed.

I got up and pulled Maddi into the kitchen. "Crap!" We heard someone shout. It was feminine, but we both ignored it.

"Carter likes you." I told her. She tried to hold back a smile, but soon didn't have too. "I don't think so. It's like he could say something and mean the exact opposite." She shook her head. "You are literally the same, but you'll see soon." I shrugged.

"Kay, let's just go watch a movie." She suggested. I nodded and we left.

Maddi and I walked back into the living room and sat on the floor to begin our movie. "What the fuck. Why is the floor wet?" I said. "Maybe the dog peed on it." She shrugged. "Sawyer isn't here." I said.

Maddi started laughing and Sawyer walked in with towels. "Fuck you for calling me a dog." She scoffed. "Nah man." I teased. She rolled her eyes and sat down.


"What are you doing for the talent show?" I asked Maddi. "Can't tell." She smirked. "You can't keep a secret for more than two seconds. I'll find out." I shrugged. "No. I don't think so." She said." Bitch." I said. She roed her eyes and walked away. I shrugged and walked over to Carter. "I didn't find out, but whatever." I told him. He sighed in a frustrated manner.

I don't know why he wants to know, but he wants to know badly.

"Mason!" Carter called out. I grabbed Carter's arm and drug him to where Mason was. "His girlfriend is here." I told him. "Oh." He said.

"Hi Rebecca can we borrow Mason really quickly?" I asked her. She smiled and nodded. We walked out and went down to Maddi's room.

"Why are we in here?" He asked. I looked at Carter. "Do you know what she's doing for the talent show?" He asked. Mason shook his head, "No, but I know where she put it." He shrugged.

He walked over to her bed and looked underneath it. "Oh. She probably moved it. I know she's planning on singing though." He shrugged. Carter sighed and we walked out.

"We have to go." Carter said. "Rebecca do you have your stuff?"

She shook her head. We grabbed our bags, us who had them, and went out to his car.

"Matthew, I came for you and I ended up not even talking to you." I said. He nodded and hugged me. I hopped on his back and kissed his cheek.

Rebecca went inside her house after Carter got there. "So, I couldn't help but notice how older she looked. How old is she?" Sawyer asked. "Fourteen." He answered. "Two years, that's not that bad." Sawyer said. "Bad? He's twelve and got a fourteen year old." Carter said. He high fived him.

Today was Magcon in North Carolina. Rebecca was joining this time.


Everyone was going down to the auditorium. I don't know why, there wasn't an event for today.

"Hey." I heard. I turned to see Jack G and Maddi talking. I looked over to Carter and smirked at him. He rolled his eyes and walked over to Mahogany. Way to make her jealous.

"Hayes!" I chirped once I saw him. He had his arm wrapped around someone. She was really pretty.

He led her over to us and I smiled. "Hi, I'm Mikayla." She said. "I'm Rebecca." Rebecca spoke eyeing at her. "Well, we're going to go sit down." Mikayla said. "Nice meeting you guys, anyways." She added as they walked away.


Not so long but not short either :D

Love you guys buttttt

25 comments and 25 votes

Yeah uhhh that's all ;)

This isn't edited either haha

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