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• Maddi POV •

"Is the ice cream good?" Carter asked. I smiled and kept eating it. "I'll take it as a yes." he added.

"We should go down to the lobby and meet more fans." he suggested. Earlier today there was a magcon event and we took two fans out for ice cream. They were so sweet.

"Fine with me." I said. Someone knocked on the hotel room door. "It's open!" Sadie yelled. I got up to open it because you can't get in with out the card.

As soon as I opened the door Jacob grabbed my waist and kissed me. I smiled into it and he hugged me. "Sorry for not getting ice cream with you guys." he told us. I shrugged while everyone else just ignored him.

"I was thinking we could go for like a walk or something." he said. I shrugged, not caring.

"Let me put on something else." I said. I went to my suitcase and pulled out a pair of black shorts and a pair of tennis shoes.

"Are we not meeting fans?" Carter asked coming into the bathroom. I covered myself. "I'm not dressed!" I shouted. He smiled, "I know." he said staring at me.

I pulled the shorts up my legs and hit him. "Pervert." I teased. "I'm a guy." he mumbled. "but are we still going because Jacob's still out there." he added. Shit, I forgot.

"No. I'm sorry, Jacob wanted to go for a walk." I told him. "Sorry, when we get back. I promise we can go for ice cream." I added. He sighed and walked out. I felt bad, but Jacob and I have a thing, not Carter and I.

"I'm ready." I smiled taking his hand. "Bye guys." I said waving to them. Mason rolled his eyes, Matthew was sleeping, and I don't know where Carter went. Sadie waved back and we left.

"So what do you like to do on your spare time?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I like to sing and stuff." he told me. "What's stuff?" I asked him. He shrugged, "I don't know. I'm boring." he said.

"I say that." I said hitting him playfully. He smirked and kissed my cheek. "I'll see you tomorrow?" he said. I smiled a yes. We had reached my hotel room. "Bye Maddi." he smiled.

He grabbed my elbows and I wrapped my arms around his neck. He pecked my lips before kissing me fully.

As soon as I was inside I'd be leaving again with Carter. Why was I thinking of Carter while I'm kissing Jacob, the guy I like.

"Bye." I smiled. He hugged me and I went inside.

"I'm back." I said. "Maddi, I'm going to tell you now and you're going to listen." Mason said standing up. I laughed and nodded, "Okay."

He smiled, "That was easy." he said. "Anyways, I don't like Jacob. You are blowing everyone off because of him. He's an asshole-"

"Watch how you talk to me." I interrupted him.

"Sorry- I've heard pretty bad things about him and I'd appreciate it if you didn't talk or see him anymore." he said. I laughed, he was so serious and cute when he was angry or upset.

"Mason, you don't have to like Jacob and sorry if I've been blowing anyone off, it's just that I see you guys all the time and Jacob never." I said. "but I'm all yours tomorrow if you want to do something I'm making myself free."

"You don't get it." Mason said. I shrugged, "I do, it's just if I like someone I think you should at least pretend to like them. Jacob is sweet, trust me."

"No he's not." Matthew said laughing. "He's an asshole." he added. "Yeah, he doesn't like people and I think he's using you." Sadie said. "but you guys are cute. I ship it."

"Thank you." I smiled, "I think Jacob's sweet."

"I don't. What about you Carter?" Matthew asked. He looked up from his phone, "I guess I never really-" he started, but saw my stare. "If Maddi likes him I do too." he sighed. I smiled and hugged him. "My own brother isn't happy for me, but some random guy I met only a couple weeks ago is." I said.

"Actually it's been like one month and a couple of weeks, but yeah." he corrected.

I laughed at him and Mason smiled, "I ship you and Carter." Mason said. I shook my head. "We're friends." I told them all.

"Yeah sure." Matthew said. "No, we are. She's with Jacob." Carter shrugged. "You're still allowed to like her, Carter." Mason said. I felt beyond awkward.

"He does, Carter's my best friend, I know him and he likes her." Matthew told Mason. "You guys are acting like they're not in the room." Sadie spoke.

"Maddi, Carter hates Jacob. He said he liked him if you did. I think that shows like more than anything." Matthew shrugged. "Oh, like you with Sadie?" I asked him. "What? No." He panicked.

"This is awkward." Sadie mumbled.

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