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• Carter POV •

"Carter!" She snapped hitting me. "What did I do?" I questioned. "Liliana." She said crossing her arms. I made the 'oh shit' face. Because oh shit.

"She wasn't my girlfriend." I shrugged. She looked frustrated. "Is that like going to mess up our relationship?" I questioned. She sighed, "No, but why did you tell me she was your girlfriend?" She asked. To make you jealous and realize that you want me...

"I really didn't like her. I don't know why I did, but I like you and not her, so it shouldn't matter anymore." I shrugged. "Alright, so no more of the whole trying to make each other jealous thing right?" She questioned. I nodded, "Good." She said.

I wanted to bring Jack in this, but it would cause more problems.

*next day*

"Wanna go somewhere?" Maddi asked Mason who was sitting with Rebecca. They shrugged, Maddi and I were gonna go to the ice rink with Matthew and Sadie. We would've had Sawyer come also, but it's a couple thing... she'd feel left out without Taylor.

Maddi walked up to her room and I followed. She stopped and turned around to face me. "Why'd you follow I have to fart." She snapped. My eyes widened and I started laughing, she whacked my chest. "I'm kidding, I wouldn't ever announce that, but don't come because I have to change." She said and kept walking.

I did too. Once she got in her room she tried closing the door, but she got scared when she saw me. She jumped really hard and nothing came out her mouth. I laughed at her and she pushed me playfully. "I have to change." She told me. I shrugged and walked inside while closing the door.

I sat on her bed watching her every move. "I'm gonna change in my closet." She informed me. I sighed, "Girl, I just wanna see you strip." I sung jokingly. Her head poked out from her closet causing me to chuckle. "I've heard of enough of your singing yesterday. Are you going to make me hear it again?" She teased. My smile was stripped from my face.

"Ha ha." I said firmly. She disappeared again and a few minutes later she came out in a hoodie and skinny jeans with really fuzzy socks.

"You look warm." I stated. She nodded, "I feel really hot. I need to take something off." She muttered looking down at her hoodie. I nodded agreeing. "You are hot, so take it all off." I smirked.

She hit me playfully and we walked down to where everyone was waiting.

Once we got on the rink Sadie grabbed Maddi away from me and skated away smirking back at me. "Mr. Steal your girl." She teased. I was going to go up and get her back, but I didn't want them to make fun of me for not knowing how to skate.

Maddi skated back towards me after Sadie let her go. "Thank you, for coming back to save me." She said sarcastically. I grabbed her waist and looked into her eyes," You're welcome." I shrugged. She grabbed my hand and skated silently beside me.

I tried to move my feet, but it wasn't like the skating rink, not that I could skate on that either, but I ended up falling and I sure as hell wasn't falling alone. I drug her down with me.

Flashback -Carter's oh shit-

"Get up. I swear we're always waking you up!" Mason scolded at Maddi. She rolled over ignoring him.

I grabbed her feet smirking. "You're ticklish right?" I asked. Mason gave me the 'I wouldn't look' but I shrugged ignoring his warning. "Don't touch my feet." She mumbled. I let go cautiously, not wanting her to be pissed for the start of the day.

"We just wanted to tell you that we're going to the mall." Mason said. "And if you don't get up we're going to put a bug in your mouth." he added.

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