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• Maddi POV •

Jacob and I were just taking a walk through the hotel. We've been getting closer you could say.

"I'll come by again later and we can go to the pool I have to go with my mom somewhere." he offered. I shrugged, "Okay." I said. He embraced me into a tight hug before walking away sending me a wave.

I opened the door, it hit someone though.

"I am so sorry, are you okay?" I asked. Carter stood up and nodded. I covered my mouth to suppress a laugh. He looked so aggravated and mad. "Were you leaving?" I asked him. He shook his head and walked away. I watched as he walked out to the balcony and sat on the ground. I must've hit him really hard. I did open that door hard.

I grabbed a popsicle from the freezer and went out there with him.

He turned around and rolled his eyes once he saw it was me.

"There wasn't any ice or whatever so put this where it hurts." I said sitting next to him. He glared at me. "Are you mad at me?" I asked. He shrugged and looked the other way. "Well, here. I don't want to be a burden if you want to be alone." I said getting up. I left the popsicle next to him.

When I opened the door and stepped one foot in, he said, "Wait." I turned around to face him. He grabbed my hand and closed the door and led me back to where we were sitting.

"I don't know why I was mad. It was stupid of me. Thank you for the popsicle." he smiled. I smiled back and sat beside him. "Good. Are we friends again?" I asked. He nodded and threw his arm around my shoulder.

"So where's Matthew and Mason?" I asked because Carter is here all alone. "They went down to the lobby to meet fans. They love your brother." he said. I smiled, I liked that he's fitting in.

"Most of the fans like you and some don't." he said. I shrugged, "Everyone thinks you're dating Jacob because of the-" he started, but the door opened.

"Hey, Maddi, I figured you were out here." Mason said. Matthew came out after he said that. "Mason, leave these two alone." He said smirking at us raising his eyebrows up and down.

"We were just talking about Jacob." Carter said. Mason rolled his eyes. "Can we go to the lobby? The girls wanna see you Carter." Mason said sharply.

I looked at him questioningly. He rolled his eyes and disappeared. "I was talking with Maddi." Carter said. "You can go if you want. We can talk some other day." I shrugged. "I'll go meet them if you go meet them, too." he said. I shrugged and we got up.

We were halfway down the hall when I thought, Carter said some of them didn't like me. "Wait, I don't want them to be rude to me." I said stupidly. "They won't do it in person." Matthew shrugged. "I don't know." I muttered. "Don't worry if they give you hate we'll defend you or just ignore it." Carter said. "We'll see." I shrugged.

As soon as we got there everyone started screaming. I covered my ears and Mason pulled me closer, "I'm fine." I said scooting away. He shrugged and we got up to everyone.

I saw Jacob standing with Lox. They were hugging. It's just a hug, not like we're dating though. "There's Jacob if you wanted to go to him." Matthew said. I shook my head. "I'm fine." I said.

They pulled away from their hug and he held her hand and kissed her cheek. I don't care, it's just a cheek.

"You're just standing there staring at him." Mason mumbled. I looked away and caught up to them. I glanced back to see them laughing and he pecked her lips.

Well then.

Not only did he lie about where he'd be, but he kissed me and then went to Lox.

"Come on." Carter said grabbing my arm. He pulled me towards some of the girls and they smiled to us. I gave back a fake one. It's not that I don't like them I just kind of got my heart broken.

I don't understand though because I said and made it clear that there were no feelings what so ever.

One of the girls started fangirling over Carter. They hugged him one by one and he kissed their cheeks. I smiled an actual smile. They had really great fans. "I love you so much." the girl said. She started crying, "You literally mean so much to me." she sobbed.

"I love you too." he said. She handed me her phone and I took them a picture. She was resting her head in his chest. They hugged for a while and he kissed her forehead. I took another picture. They hugged one last time before she went away.

"Awe." I said. He smiled at me, "That looked like the best hug ever." I added. He nodded, "Yeah, but no. Cameron gives the best hugs apparently." he laughed. "I'll be the judge of that." I said. He laughed and grabbed my hand. "Let's go." he said.

We walked over to a tall guy with dark brown hair. He was cute to be honest, but they were all cute.

"She wants to see who gives the best hug. Between us." he said. "It's going to be me." he said cockily. "That's what I said." Carter laughed. "I'm Cameron by the way." he said. I smiled, "I'm Maddi." I told him.

"I know. We met yesterday." he said. "Oh." I laughed. He smiled and hugged me. He gave me a really tight hug that lifted me off my feet and he spun me around slowly. When he stopped and put me down, I felt all sad and stuff. That literally was the best hug I've ever had.

"See you already won and she hasn't hugged me yet." Carter exclaimed. I chuckled and Carter hugged me. It wasn't anything special, I didn't feel as good as I did when Cameron hugged me.

He just wrapped me into his chest and hugged me tightly. My feet were mentally and physically still on the ground. He pulled away and his cheeks were burning. "See. Cameron is the best hugger." he said. I laughed, "You're not bad." I offered.

"Yeah he is!" someone yelled. I turned around to see a guy with a hoodie on with almost curly brown hair. "I give the best hugs." he said. He walked over to me and pushed Carter before hugging me.

I hugged him back. He gave me a squeeze tighter and inhaled my hair. I laughed when he pulled away. "I'm Shawn. Your hair smells good." he smiled. "Thank you?" I laughed. He shrugged and disappeared.

"So?" Cameron said. "I liked both of your hugs." I smiled. Carter smiled and Cameron pouted.

They were right. I did have a lot of fun out there. Besides the whole Jacob thing. I had a great time.

"Maddi, Jacob is here." Matthew said walking towards me. I sighed and got up.

"I saw you in the lobby." he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes, "I was gonna say hi, but you were a little too busy getting busy." I shrugged. He didn't say anything.

"We were watching a movie, so bye." I said. "What about the pool?" he questioned. I scoffed, "Take Mahogany." and with that I walked away.

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