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• Maddi POV •

Laura and Grace were both asleep and it was about ten. Carter had stayed and talked with me for a while because Matthew took Sadie and Mason out for ice cream again and he didn't want to be alone. He ended up falling alseep and Grace didn't want to wake him because he was 'so cute' he was cute though.

I got up and tip toed out the room. I didn't change out my pajamas because I thought I looked fine, I had on a big t shirt, a pair of shorts that you could barely see, and I was in socks. I didn't really need the shoes, I never did.

The snoring stopped and I turned around slowly. "Maddi?" Carter groaned waking up. "You're dreaming, go to sleep." I said. He nodded while yawning and went back to sleep before he jumped up. "Where the hell am I?" he freaked. I laughed slightly before shushing him.

"You're mom and Matthew's mom are sleeping." I told him. "Did I fall asleep?" he asked. I nodded and rolled my eyes, I was getting aggravated because Jacob was waiting and he's making me take longer.

"Yes, we were watching a movie and you started snoring and your mom didn't want to wake you up." I informed him. "Sorry." he mumbled. I shrugged, "are you leaving or staying?" I asked him. He squinted his eyes before looking me in mine.

"I could ask the same thing." he said. I sighed and walked back over to him and sat back down on the couch.

"Please don't tell." I said. "Why shouldn't I?" he asked, "I mean you're so mean to me, I still have the hand print." he teased. I frowned. "I'm kidding I won't tell, but where are you going?" he asked. I chewed on my bottom lip and looked at the door. "Jacob?" he asked and I nodded. "I don't think that's a good idea." he told me.

"Why not?" I questioned. "Everyone thinks you're being a bitch because you're hanging out with him more than usual and Mason really hates him." he said. "He's my boyfriend so I'm going to be with him more now and are you sure it's not just you who has a problem with Jacob?" I said.

He sighed, "Sorry. I'm going to work on being nicer." I mumbled. "Whatever I'll walk you to wherever he is because it's late and I don't want you to get kidnapped or anything." he offered. "I'm fine, I know how to sneak out." I informed him.

He shook his head, "I'm heading back anyways so I'll just drop you off wherever." he suggested. I huffed and we got up and left out quietly.

We walked down to the breakfast area and there was like no one there. "Let's go. No one's here." he said. I shook my head no, "You can go back and I'll wait." I said. He shook his head tugging my arm so we could leave.

"Wait I see someone." I said. He looked and sighed, "Come on." I said because if it were to be some pedophile and if Carter's with me maybe they'll leave me alone, maybe.

As we got closer I saw who it was.

I gasped and so did Carter.

"Whoa." I said.



SHORT CHAPTER SORRY.! Lol, I wanted a cliff hanger.

What do you think they saw.?

Comment ideas and I will use them and dedicate the chapter to you. Don't think I won't haha because you guys that guve ideas give good ones soo I'll definitely use them.

I just have a plan for your ideas

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