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Last chapter! Bish whet...? I'm gonna miss you guys :( I know you're all gonna love me after this chapter! :'D if only...

• Maddi POV •

-I don't wanna write it because I don't wanna end it :'D-

Matthew, Mason, Laura, and I were all sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast and discussing what would happen now. We're going to the adoption center today to go with our new family.

I felt my thigh vibrating because I keep my phone under my leg. "Maddi has a dildo." Mason teased. My jaw dropped and my eyes widened. How did he even know what that was? "I called it. You owe me five dollars." Matthew smirked.

I pulled out my phone ignoring them. It was Carter, he wanted to do something tonight. I was really looking forward to seeing him now. I smiled as I sent my message. I just wanted to be with him again.

I laughed as I read his reply back. It shocked me, I was smiling really hard, then my jaw dropped and just laughed again.

We had a really inappropriate relationship.

"You're texting Carter aren't you?" Laura asked. I smiled and nodded, "I can tell you really love him. You're face lights up when you're reminded of him." she added.

I wouldn't really pursue the word love... I have strong feelings just not love or I don't think it's love.

I got a message and I texted back right away.

I wanted to give having intimacy a second chance because after all, I can't be a one timer forever. The second times always a charm. Actually I think it's third time that's a charm, but I'll take whatever gets me the closest to him, but his texts at the moment were really inappropriate.

"Go get ready guys. We're going out today as a family, wear something comfortable like sweats." Laura said.

I texted him back quickly before he responded making me respond and forget about everything.

I just told him I had to go then I went upstairs to get dressed. I looked through my drawers for a pair of sweat pants, I came across the ones Carter had been wearing the night we went to McDonald's.

I pulled up his sweats over my shorts and I went to the closet and pulled out a teal v neck that clung to my skin. I spotted his magcon sweater... he never wore that after it ended, but I just felt the need to wear it. It smelt like him and I love his scent.


We were all in traffic right now so I had been texting Carter.

-The Real McCoy
How's your day been ?

-- The Real McCoy
Eh. I just wanna be with you ...

That made my heart flutter to be honest. He was a real flirt, and a real sweet heart. "I know your enjoying that conversation with Carter, but we'll be there in no time." Laura said. "So you have to stop once we get there." She added. I sighed.

-The Real McCoy
I just wanna be with you too. Anyways, I have to go. Byeee

I locked the phone and laid my head back.

Once she had parked the car, five minutes later, I had been sleeping for that five minutes. We arrived. I didn't know exactly where we were, but I was hoping it would've been cold. Because I was melting under all of the clothes I was under. I just didn't dare to remove it because I felt like Carter was with me.

When we got inside the area was blocked off. We had to sit in a waiting area, but when it was time for us to go in, Laura got a phone call.

"How's things going with you and Carter?" Matthew asked me. I smiled. "You must really like him. I just said his name and you practically lit up." He said.

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