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• Maddi POV •

I woke up to someone snoring. It was so loud and I wanted to shoot my ears off. I opened my eyes and it was coming under me. I looked up to see Carter sleeping with his mouth slightly a gape.

I popped up and Matthew was staring at us. "Yeah don't get too close with my best friend." he smirked. "Shut up." Carter mumbled. I jumped out the bed and he popped up.

"When did we fall asleep?" he asked. I shrugged, "how did you sleep through all that snoring?" Matthew asked me. I shrugged and Mason woke up.

"Good you're all awake. The rest of the guys are coming in like ten minutes." Matthew said. I groaned and walked to the bathroom. I took a quick shower and changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a white t shirt.

"Is she mean?" I heard someone say. I walked around the corner and everyone was staring at me. I guess the rest of the guys got here already.

"Hi." I smiled and then continued walking. I felt everyone's eyes on me as I made my way to the door. I had like five dollars. I can buy a book to read for the day.

"Where you going?" Mason asked. I stopped and turned around. "The closest store I guess." I shrugged, "Why?" he asked. I rolled my eyes, "I'm sixteen and you're twelve last time I checked." I teased.

"Yep." I heard someone whisper. I smiled fakely to them before I left.

I got this bookcalled Sunday's at Tiffany's. It seemed really good.

"You went to the store to buy a book!?" One of the boys laughed. I glared in the direction to see Mason and the guy that looked too old for his age, Hayes, I think. "Excuse me?" I replied. Mason gave him a warning look.

"Dude. Stop." another one with similar looks said. It was just too many of them, I was pretty sure he was Nash though. "I'm just going to sit over here." I said sitting at the food bar. I could feel eyes burning into the back of my head.

I ignored it and started my book.

They took no time to get comfortable with one another and they were all so loud. They asked if they were too loud every now and then, but I didn't want them to change because of me.

"You good?" I looked up to see Mason. "Yeah, don't worry about me just go back and have fun." I shrugged. "Well they are about to start a live broadcast." he said. I nodded and went back to my book.

"What's the point of this broadcast?" I heard Matthew ask. "we're just showing the fans what we do on a regular basis." someone said.

They started playing music and dancing and screaming. I had enough when I got hit with a pillow. I heard laughing and I turned around.

"I am so sorry." Mason said. I inhaled deeply and got up. "I'm just gonna go." I said. "We'll stop." Matthew said. I shook my head, "it was just a pillow. I'm obviously fine. Just keep doing whatever and I'll come back later." I shrugged.

I grabbed my book and went outside the room. I sat on the ground outside the door and continued reading.

I saw Jacob walking towards me. "I was gonna come and hang out with you." he said. "But why are you out here alone?"

I shrugged, and he sat beside me. "So." he said.

Someone opened the door to the room and out came Carter. "Hey. That wasn't Mason that hit you with the pillow. It was me and I was aiming for Aaron, but it hit you instead." he said. I shrugged, "it's fine."

"Can I sit out here with-" He started, but stopped once he saw Jacob. He glared at him while Jacob just smiled in return.

"Why do you keep appearing?" Carter snapped. I get the feeling Carter didn't like him, but that was definitely not my problem. "Because we're friends." Jacob shrugged. I nodded and Carter gave him a hard look.

"He's not your friend." Carter laughed. I narrowed my eyebrows. "No, you aren't my friend." I snapped, "I had no idea we went back to Elementary school."

"Just go inside. Everything was fine before you came." Jacob said. Someone else opened the door and looked at us weirdly. He had a bandanna on and a tye die shirt.

"Come on Carter. Leave Jacob and Maddi alone." he said. Carter glared at Jacob one more time before leaving.

"That was Taylor by the way." he said. I nodded, "I figured. I remember he's the one that wears bandanas and tie dye." I smiled.

I got back to my book and he tapped my shoulder. "Take a picture with me." he said. I shrugged and smiled at his camera. "Do you have a twitter?" he asked. I nodded my head. He was the one that helped me make one. "Can I post this?" he asked. I shook my head.

"Why not?" he asked. I shrugged, "I just don't want to be on anyone's social media." I said. He nodded and I went back to my book.

A couple hours later everyone was gone and I went back in after saying bye to Jacob.

"Do you like him?" Matthew asked. I shrugged, "I don't know." I answered honestly. I can't really like someone unless I know them good enough and I'm not gonna be here forever so I'm not going to like him or anyone for the matter.

I have this phrase- never get attached because as soon as you do, everyone and thing suddenly disappears.

"He's a douche bag." Carter said. I shook my head, "just because you are doesn't mean he is." I shrugged. "Carter is a sweet guy. Jacob isn't." Mason defended. "You don't even know Jacob and you barely know Carter so you have no room or place in this. Stay out of it Mason." I fussed, even though the topic was pointless.

"You don't know him either, but I know Carter good enough to know he wouldn't just shut off on everyone or be all moody for no reason." he said. "Jacob isn't like that." I laughed. He laughed too.

"I know he isn't. You are, but I wouldn't know Jacob good enough either because he never wants to be around us to hang out. They invited every guy to come and hang out, but Jacob didn't want to come. Don't be mad at me for defending Carter, but it's only because I like Carter. I don't like Jacob and maybe I don't like you." he told me.

I rolled my eyes, "You don't have to like me." I simply stated and walked to the bathroom.

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