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• Carter POV •

I've been getting the cold shoulder from Maddi. I thought I liked her, but I wasn't so sure anymore. I just didn't know what to do. I always ended up doing or saying the wrong things and now I know she's done with my crap.

I didn't even have a date for tonight, so Maddi is all alone because I was an asshole and Mason has a date. Which is really surprising because he's twelve and when I was twelve the only thing fascinated by me was my cat and going outside to play.

"Carter." My mom said. I looked up at her. "Yes?" I answered. She smiled, "Kealia is coming back to visit soon."

I nodded, we were so close. We still are, just not as close as we used to be. Things are like when you meet a person who will soon become your best friend for the first time.

"I'm going to Matt's house." I informed her. "You're always there now, Carter. Is it because that girl?" She asked. Her accent was really strong, mine wasn't.

"Her name is Maddi, and no." I lied. "I didn't say which girl," she smirked at me. "but thank you."

I shook my head and walked out the door. I drove my car to Matthew's house and when I got there everyone was outside.

"We're about to go." Maddi said. "Where?" I questioned. "I'm riding with them to drop him off at his date then I'm going to see a movie with Sawyer." She replied. "I'll just ride. My date is at the movies too." I lied. I could've just said I didn't have a date. I'm such an asshole.

"Well, why don't you guys just ride together then we'll see you after our dinner." Matthew said. I smiled at him. "Alright." I shrugged.

Maddi sighed and we all got in my car. She got in the back seat with Mason. "Why don't you sit up here with me?" I asked. "Oh." She laughed falsely and going to the front. I started driving my car.

I placed one of my hands over hers and she smiled down shyly at our hands. I quickly pulled away remembering she hated me at the moment. I didn't want to. I wanted to keep her hand in mine, but she would've pulled away before I did.


"There's Rebecca." Mason said walking away. "Where's your date?" Maddi asked me. Shit, I did say I had one didn't I...

"Uh, I have to text her and see." I lied. I quickly went through my contacts.


I came across her contact and clicked it.

To Liliana
hey wanna see a movie?"

Liliana was just an old friend of mine, like she lived in my neighborhood.

I looked up and smiled at Maddi. I got an instant response.

From Liliana
Yeah I'll be there in a while. XXX

I was glad she didn't say no or anything.

-She wants the D... I want the D too-

"She's on her way." I said. "You didn't pick her up?" Maddi spoke. I just shrugged.


During the whole movie, Liliana didn't know I was pretending she was my date, she was just naturally clingy to me. I held her hand the whole movie and as we walked out.

"Well, I should get going, bye Carter." She said. She kissed my cheek and I grabbed her waist. "Kiss me." I whispered. Her whole face lit up then dimmed. She leaned in close to my face and...

"Sorry, but I have a boyfriend." She whispered. I never felt so stupid, and I didn't even care. She wasn't important to me like Maddi was.

"See you around Carter. I had fun." She spoke up. I nodded and she left. I glanced over to see Maddi staring towards another direction. I followed her gaze to see a guy. He was tall, and light skinned.

He looked at her and winked. I felt the anger build up inside of me. I glared at him evilly before walking up behind her and grabbing her waist. She tensed up quickly.

"Oh." She said when she turned around and saw me. I smiled at her and she looked down. I could see how pink her ears were getting.

"Lets go find Mason then leave." She muttered pulling away from me. I saw them standing in the arcade area, I turned her to their direction and she thanked me quietly.

"Hey we'll drop you off okay." Maddi smiled to the girl. "Alright, thank you." She smiled back.

We got back to Matthew's house and Mason went back up to sleep. He looked really tired. So it was just Maddi and me sitting on the couch all akwardly.

"So that guy at the movie theater." I spoke up. She looked at me and laughed slightly. "That girl that you brought to the movie theater." She said crossing her arms.

"Liliana. What about her?" I questioned. "That boy, what about him?" She questioned with attitude. "Do you not know his name?" I chuckled.

"Oh no, I do. His name is Jonathan." She shrugged. I rolled my eyes. So much for her liking me.

"Oh well I'm going to go." I muttered getting up. I saw her shaking her head.

Sadie came inside with Matthew as I walked out. "I'm leaving." I informed them. I got all the way to the car and I noticed I forgot my keys.

I walked back and the door was open. Of course they'd leave it open.

I walked in the living room, but I could hear Maddi's voice, why not listen?

"Liliana?" Sadie questioned laughing. "Yeah." Maddi replied. "Wow, I think he likes you." Sadie spoke up. "I doubt that. I know for a fact that he doesn't like me. He's too busy fawning all over every girl he encounters feet and stuff with." Maddi said.

"He basically flirted with you the whole time. He knows what he's doing and he needs to quit or you tell him to stop if you think he doesn't like you, Maddi, you like him so you're gonna get hurt in the end." Sadie said.

"I guess I'll just stay clear of him or not be next to him. He doesn't like me." Maddi spoke softly.

But I did...


Bammm this has been my longest chapter in forevaaa.

Anyways if you haven't then go check out the account RidinOnJerry s books they're hella good.

Anyways, I love all of my mija's so stay gorgeous and what not!

Also if you wanted to speak with me outside of wattpad or like follow my social media comment so because I wanna get to know all my readers because you guys are freaking amazing!

Thank you for reading that haha but don't forget to show me love by voting and commenting.

(This IS edited)

Anyways again I hope your weekend is going great!

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