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• Maddi POV •

I had just gotten out of the shower and I put on a pair of pajama shorts and a tank top and walked towards the kitchen part of the hotel room.

I saw Matthew and Mason sitting on the couches shirtless. I smacked Mason in the chest softly, it made the loud skin to skin sound. "Where's your shirt?" I teased. He blushed and I laughed at him before going in the kitchen and pulling out some spaghetti noodles and hotdogs.

I cut the hot dogs up into tiny pieces and stuck the spaghetti noodles through them.

I started heating up the stove and doing everything you needed to make spaghetti hotdog noodles. I looked up and they were all staring at me, except Carter. "How do you know how to cook?" Mason asked. I shrugged, "Yeah I was wondering the same thing..." Matthew trailed.

Carter looked up. "She's a woman, they come out with a spatula."

"Alright, I guess you don't want any food," I shrugged. "but to answer the questions, Mrs. Espinosa is teaching me."

I know Matthew and Mason were only wondering because I lived in a home for like six years and they don't teach you to do anything, but clean.

Carter got up and fumbled around the kitchen until he pulled out a fork. He stood over me as I finished cooking it. "Seriously, I'll make you go back to your hotel room." I threatened. He got closer and whispered in my ear, "I'll take you back with me."

I pushed him back and rolled my eyes. The door opened and in came Mrs. Espinosa with bags, probably groceries.

I swear she had money for days.

"I cooked for everyone, if that's okay." I smiled softly at her. She walked towards us glaring at Carter. "That's actually awesome, thank you." she said breaking her glare and smiling at me.

"That makes my life way easier. I'll miss having a girl in the house." she said smiling at me. "I'll be leaving. Don't do anything you wouldn't do if I were still here, I assume you'll protect her, Mason, it's scary being an only girl."

"It's actually the other way around, she will be protecting him, and we're scared of her." Carter joked. "Be nice." She instructed.

We all nodded and she left. I put the stuff she brought in the fridge. It was like a weeks worth of food.

I poured myself something to drink and fixed my plate and sat on one of the bars.

I looked back and they were all staring at me. "Are you gonna fix our plate?" Carter asked. I rolled my eyes, "Is this some type of joke because I'm not your slave." I said.

"But you're Matthew's, why do you even live there?" He asked. "Why don't you mind your business." I snapped getting up.

I grabbed my plate and just placed it in the fridge. I'd eat it later. I walked out to the balcony and I could feel Carter and Matthew looking at me shocked. I looked back and Mason just had his head down.

I walked out to the balcony and did what I had done the first time we got here.

It felt like every time I get comfortable someone had to bring up the past and it pissed me off. The death of my parents is no ones business except mine. Mason doesn't even know what happened to them. He didn't witness it like I did.

I woke up and Mason wasn't in his bed. I walked to the front of the house and I saw mom and dad cuddling on the couch.

I ran in front of them. "Hey where's Mason?" I asked. "He went with a friend." dad said. Mom nodded and they went back to cuddling. They were so in love.

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