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• Maddi POV •

Everyone was packed up and getting ready to go back to their home state. We were all sitting in the biggest hotel room having a conversation. We all were just being slobs.

"I really don't want to go." Jacob said. "No one fucking cares what you want." Carter snapped at him. I was going to hit him, but I didn't want anyone to make jokes about the whole Rebecca's sister and me thing.

-I had too :'D it's so funny!-

"Carter." I said warning him instead. He rolled his eyes and grabbed my hand. "What? If anyone cared they would've objected what I said, no one gives a damn about him." He scoffed. This time I did hit him and of course Jacob, who I was kind of trying to defend, had to say something.

-yeah still funny!-

"Of course you'd hit him. Did you not have enough of your little brother's ex girlfriends older sister?"

Carter stood up and was about to go over to him, but the door opened. "Carter calm down." I muttered loud enough for only him to hear. He rolled his eyes and sat back down pulling me on his lap.

"Guys, we know you're all bummed about the whole Bart thing, or other things." Laura said. "So we decided to take you guys to the mall and have a scavenger hunt. The winner gets to pick the other teams punishment." She stated.

Everyone's, most of everyone's, face lit up. "That's why Laura's the better Espinosa." Sadie teased Matthew. "I am the better Espinosa." She said flipping her hair. I laughed and so did Sawyer and Sadie.

"Anyways, get dressed in something flexible and meet us down in the lobby. Ten minutes." She stated then disappeared.

Once we arrived at the mall, the car ride was crazy as always. Laura and Grace had this bowl and they filled it with our names and when they drawled them they split us off into groups of four. Which meant there were going to be three groups of four and one group of five.

I was in the first group. It wasn't that bad, it had Nash and Aaron, but then they added Jacob.

Sawyer was in the second group with Hayes, Mason, and Mikayla.

The third group contained Matthew, Taylor, Jack G, and Lox.

And the last group had Carter, Sadie, Jack J, and Shawn.

Cameron was that unlucky left out odd number. I couldn't help, but chuckle. "You can chose any team to be on." Laura spoke. He started walking towards Nash.

"Can we switch? Like, I be the remaining person and I chose which group I wanna be in since he chose mine?" I asked desperately. "We can switch." Cameron said. I smiled a very desperate thank you and walked to Sadie. "Awe, you chose our group." Carter cooed hugging me. Sadie pushed him off, "But she walked towards me so she came for me." She teased.

They handed out lists to us.

Mall's Scavenger Hunt List:

1. Find the cutest male and take a picture holding their hand.

2. Collect one business card from any store.

3.A picture of all group mates wearing a dress.

4. A picture of the oldest group mate wearing black with red bottom heals.

5. A video dancing to the song at Abercrombie.

6. A picture of a male employee at Hollister.

7. A picture holding the prettiest girls hand.

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