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three days later

• Maddi POV •

This morning was one of the mornings I was thinking of the other day. You know all the yelling and stuff.

"Mom!" I heard Matthew screech. I groaned and shoved covers over my face. I closed my eyes for a few minutes then I heard someone knocking on the door. I groaned and sat up. "Come in!" I called.

Mason walked in with a smile. "Why are you not up?" he asked. I crinkled my eyebrows. "Laura's back." he smiled. "and she wants for you to come downstairs." he said. I groaned and got up.

"Wait girl brush your hair." he teased.

I rolled my eyes and did that. We walked down the stairs and when she saw me she smiled as she embraced me into a hug.

"I missed you guys." she said. I hugged her back and smiled, it's been a while since I've been in that situation.


Mason and I had been going to our abluela's house for the weekend. Our mom was Mexican.

"Maddi, mi lupita!" Abuela said. Hugging me tightly and kissing my forehead. I hugged her and she hugged Mason.

"Be good for us please." mom said kissing our foreheads. I nodded and pushed the hair from my forehead to the back of my head. "Bye, daddy." I said kissing his cheek. He had a growing beard so his cheek was prickly.

As soon as they drove away we went inside.

"What's the first fun activity of the day?" Abuela asked enthusiastically.

Mason shrugged. "How about a club house, yeah, and watch movies while eating a bunch of comida chatarra?" She asked.

We nodded and she went around the corner grabbing pillows and stuff.

end of flashback

I used to be so fun as a kid. I guess things change once your parents die and your family doesn't want custody.

"Did you cook for the boys?" she asked. I shook my head laughing. "What, why not?" she asked.

"Mom, it was gross." Matthew told her. I shrugged, "I don't know what happened." I laughed. "Me either, the spaghetti noodles you made at magcon and those sandwiches were really good." Matthew said. Mason agreed.

"I don't think you were that bad." Carter shrugged. "Don't lie because you think she's pretty." Mason smirked. He shook his head. "No I don't." he jumped, "Wait, I didn't mean it like that!" he added.

I shrugged and he looked away. "Where's Grace?" Matthew asked. "She's coming in an hour." Laura told us.

"I'm back!" someone shouted putting the attention on them.

"Laura you're back." Sadie smiled hugging her. "Yeah. How's your parents doing?" she asked her. "Eh, boring as usual." she joked.

"Do you think your parents would mind if you went to the next magcon event with us?" Matthew asked. She shrugged, "Probably not. As long as there's a parent." she shrugged.

"Okay well ask soon so I'll know ahead of time." Laura said. She nodded and then Laura went upstairs to her room probably.


Sorry for the short chapter. I wanna say the next will be longer, but I'm not sure.

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