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• Maddi POV •

"I was wondering if you wanted to come with me to buy a new phone." he spoke. I mentally face palmed myself. Because I thought he'd be pulling me away to ask me to be his girlfriend...

"Oh." I chuckled. "Yeah, I don't mind." I shrugged." Great. Can we go now?" he asked. I shrugged. "We're gonna go." he told them as we walked out the front door. Sadie winked at me and I wanted to punch myself in the face. I should've shown an interest in Carter instead of Jacob. Maybe things would've been different.

Or even Jack because he seemed like a sweet guy even though he knew what I was doing.

*next day*

They had called us all down for an assembly. I didn't know what it was for, but I was looking around to see where Sadie was.

I saw her walking with Matthew so I walked over to them. "Hey." I smiled to them. It's so crazy how comfortable I'd gotten with them both in the short amount of time I've known them and how close I've gotten to Sadie. She's my best friend.

"We can't sit together because we're gonna laugh the whole time. I actually wanna pay attention." Sadie said. I laughed, because I knew she was kidding. She smiled and we went to the very top. We were looking around for everyone else, but we didn't find them.

After everyone got seated the principal or whoever the heck that lady was, started to speak. "Some of you know every two years there's a Talent Show. You guys are the lucky one's who get it now." she spoke.

Sadie leant over so her cheek was close to mine. "No one cares." she whispered. I covered my mouth so they wouldn't know I was laughing. "Right, she says it like we actually do." I said.

Matthew chuckled. "Awe bae." Sadie said kissing his cheek. "If you have any electives like Choir, Band, Art, or Gym you have to participate." she added. "That's not fair." Sadie said. We both had gym together.

"That's it for today. We'll release you guys in twenty minutes so if you have questions, now is the chance to ask." she added.

It got quiet then someone started to talk. "Why do we have to do this?"

"Because we wanna have fun with you guys." she shrugged. "Shoot. I ain't got no talent and I ain't gonna have fun."

"Well then, find a talent." she said back. "Well then, I'm just gonna fart the whole two seconds I'm up there."

Everyone started laughing. That was pretty funny.

"I really don't wanna do it." Sadie pouted. "Why?" I asked. "Do you wanna do it?" she asked me. I shrugged, it didn't really matter. "You don't care because you actually have a talent." she said glaring at me. I laughed slightly, "Yeah. We've all heard you singing in the shower." Matthew chipped in. "You could sing if you actually tried and you dance good so you have two talents forwards I have one." I shrugged.

My talent was also an average thing. Tons of people could sing and wasn't all that good. I was okay.

"Well are you gonna sing?" she asked me. "No." stated. "Why?" she asked. "Because I want everyone to see me bust a move." I said moving around in my seat and pretending to dance. "You're gonna bust everyone's eyes out if you do that." Matthew laughed. I rolled my eyes playfully at them.

"I just wanna get a laugh out of this and I wanna get paid if I don't." I said honestly. "Same." Sadie agreed.

"Alright no more questions go back to class." she instructed. We got up and started walking while Matthew looked for Carter.

"Did you notice how close we've gotten?" I asked Sadie. She smiled and nodded, "I didn't like you when I first met you." she said honestly. I nodded in agreement because I didn't like her either. "Yeah, but now we're best friends. Or sisters." I said. She nodded. "Yeah and we're kind of close with Sawyer also." she said.

This couple walked in front of us and the girl was really nerdy looking, I'm pretty sure if she lost all that she'd be really pretty, but she was holding hands with one of the schools basketball players. "Nerds need to stay in their lane." Sadie said. I started cackling. "That should be illegal." she added.

"I'll see you after class." I told her. She nodded and we went our separate ways.

I spotted Carter behind me when I turned around, I do that a lot. Turn around when I'm walking. "Hey wait!" he called out. I stopped walking and he caught up. "I didn't notice you." he said walking to someone else.

"Asshole." I mumbled, he turned around with a smug smile tugging on his lips. "I was just messing with you." He told me. I laughed and nodded, "In that case, sorry for calling you an asshole." I said. Be just shrugged and walked next to me.

"I'm pretty sure you're in my next class." he said. I nodded and we walked. His hand kept hitting my hips like Jack's were so I put my hands down. Maybe he wanted to hold my hand.

Our hands kept hitting each others and eventually he pushed his knuckles through my fingers. I felt my ears heating up. He quickly moved away though.

"Sorry." he chuckled. Or maybe he was just doing it on accident.


Does anyone have annoying teachers?

Lol my geography teacher has a whistle when he talks I forgot what it's called though.

I bet you guys all thought he was gonna ask her out lolz.

I love you guys tho! but here's some advice...

don't stay in school

do drugs

and drink and drive

Just kidding don't do that! Do the exact opposite

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