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• Maddi POV •

I felt way better than I did yesterday. I was with Jacob because I thought Mason needed his space. They said he wasn't mad anymore, but I know my brother.

"I'm glad we're together." he told me. I smiled and he kissed my cheek. "I'm not sick, you can kiss me." I told him. He shook his head. "I don't want to get sick. Or take any chances." he said.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm going back." I said getting up and walking away. "Bye." he called after me. I walked back to the room and everyone was gone and the hotel room was smelly and dirty.

Someone came out the bathroom. "The guys did a video." Sadie said. I nodded and looked around disgusted. The smell was a mixture of must and feet. "We should clean it before Laura gets back." she suggested. "No. They did it so they'll come back and clean it." I snapped.

"Snap snap." she mumbled. I went to my suit case and grabbed some outfit and got in the shower.

When I got out I could hear laughing and stuff.

"What's so funny?" I asked. "Your face." Mason joked. "I'm kidding I love you." he added. I rolled my eyes and glanced over at Carter who looked away.

"You guys need to clean up because it's really gross." I fussed. "Are you going to help?" Mason asked. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Did I make the mess? No so you can clean it yourselves." I snapped. "Then go away and we will." Mason snapped back. "Bye." I waved walking out.

"Why is she being so rude again?" I heard. "It's because of Jacob."

I stopped, "No maybe because you're all fucking annoying." I snapped before leaving.


"Why'd you leave earlier if you were going to just cone back?" Jacob asked. I shrugged, "I wanted a shower and I missed you." I smiled. He hugged me and we walked to the park.

"How do you know your way around?" I asked. He just shrugged. "I come here a lot." he shrugged. "How does it feel to have girls fawn over you everywhere you go? I mean doesn't it get annoying at times?" I asked. He shrugged again, "Maybe, but if it weren't for them I wouldn't be as successful. I mean I do hate not being able to go out with my family or friends or go to get new stuff without at least one person asking for an autograph." he said.

If I would've asked Carter that, he would've not been as sad about it. He loves his fans as much as they love him, he told me that he gets upset when he can't remember their names or he can't talk to them all.

-tb to when that was true lol-

"Some don't have family or friends so I'd just be greatful for that. Some don't even have money, or homes." I said. "Well it's not my fault that I want to enjoy the family and friends I have that they don't." he said.

My mouth dropped, I've done and said mean things, but that is way too far. "You're an asshole for that." I told him. He frowned. "You asked and I'm just being honest." he admitted. I shrugged, "You know I was one of those girls?" I asked. His eyes widened a bit, he tried to hide it, but I saw them.

"What?" he muttered. "Mason and I was in a foster home for six years. Our parents died when I was ten and he was six." I told him. "I'm sorry, do you ever miss them?" he mumbled. I shrugged, "Yeah I do miss them. Obviously I would, but whatever." I said. "I wouldn't have said that if I knew." he told me.

He just kept saying he wouldn't of said it, Carter would've kept apologizing continuously.

"Are you mad at me?" he asked. I shook my head, "Why would I? You didn't know." I said. "Can you walk me back to the room?" I asked. He nodded and we started walking back.

On our way we passed one of the girls we ate ice cream with the other day with Taylor Caniff. I smiled and waved to her and she rolled her eyes.

"Can I help you bitch?" she snapped. "Come on." Jacob said pulling me. Carter would've at least defended me...

We reached my room and he grabbed my waist and leaned in to kiss me, but he stopped himself. "Sorry, I forgot you were just sick." he muttered pulling away. I rolled my eyes and we went inside. It was really clean and they were all sitting on the couch.

"I need a word with you." Laura said comimg around the corner. She looked at Jacob. "You need to go." she told him. He hugged me and left.

"What's going on?" she asked me. "Everyone has been telling me you've been acting rude lately and I wanna know what's been going on."

I shrugged, nothing. "Get your suitcase because while we're here the rest of the week you're going to room with me." she announced. I nodded and went to get it.


"I'm leaving to go get everyone some snacks, stay here." Laura told me. I nodded and she left. I went out to the balcony part and let the breeze go by.


I smelled a nasty smell, not a poopy diaper from Abi, but like burnt smell.

"Maddi!" I heard my mom yell. Dad rushed around the corner and rushed to the window. He opened it and grabbed me, dragging me to it. The alram started going off really loudly and I could hear Abi crying and my mom and dad were yelling. "Go!" dad yelled pushing me out.

I looked at their faces, which were dirty. Like they were in an explosive accident. "Run to Ms.Wilson's house and get some help okay!" Mom finished for him. I started running to our neighbors house and I saw that the house had been smoking.

Someone grabbed my arm and pulled me into them before I could react.

end of flashback

Someone grabbed my arm snapping me out of my thoughts. "Hi." it was Carter.

I smiled and said it back. "It wasn't me that told that you were being mean." he said. I shrugged. He stood beside me and we both looked out.

"Are you okay because you look like you've seen a ghost." he told me. I shook my head. "I'm fine, I was just thinking about my parents." I answered honestly. He put his arm around me and pulled me into him.

"I saw one of the girls we got ice cream with the other day with Taylor." I changed the subject. "Sawyer or Ramona?" he asked.

"Sawyer." I told him. "She called me a bitch because I smiled and waved." I added.

"What did you say back?" he asked. I shook my head, "nothing, she's a fan of you guys and Jacob pulled me away." I said. Plus I don't have time for that.

"How'd you get in and why'd you come, not to be rude." I changed the subject again. "My mom's in here too and I wanted to see if you were okay. Laura never really liked Jacob and when it comes to him she can be harsh." he said.

"She was sweet, but why?" I asked. He just shrugged.

$$$$$$$$.0000000000. $0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$0$.

love you guys I have at least 50+ readers on each chapter at the end of the day and 100+ by the end of two days and 200+ at the end of the week.


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