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• Maddi POV •

"I think I failed my art project." I told Sadie. "Yeah, I'm pretty sure you failed sex ed too. Did you guys be silly? or did you wrap the willy..." she joked. I rolled my eyes plafully and pushed her lightly. "Come on, I'm not stupid. I wrapped his willy." I played along. She started laughing.

"We should go to the mall today, I need new jeans." she told me. I nodded, I needed new everything, new life, new Carter. Just kidding, I just need some new underwear.

We started getting ready, and Sawyer came in.

"Where are we going?" she asked. I laughed, "Where'd you come from?"

She started laughing also, "My mom's here." she said. "Oh well we're going to the mall." Sadie told her. I snickered, not evily though. Just a tiny laugh. "Don't leave me!" Sawyer whined.

"We're not." Sadie said. Sawyer's face lit up a little, "You just weren't invited." Sadie teased, laughing. Sawyer pouted while we laughed, "I'm kidding, you can come." She told her. I nodded laughing. We left out and got into Sawyer's mom car.

"I wanna sit in the front." I whispered to Sadie. "Same, but only because I wanna sit next to you." She whispered back. "Let's just both sit in the back." I whispered. She nodded and we got in. "How old are you?" I asked Sawyer.

"Uh eighteen." she said. I nodded and buckled in. "Why'd you hesitate on your age?" Sadie teased. "Wait, didn't you say you were going to Indiana to visit your boyfriend?" I asked her. "Yeah, but I meant I was going to pick him up from the airport." she said. "Didn't you see us come back?" she asked.

I shrugged, I didn't pay attention. "Oh wait that Taylor guy?" I questioned. She nodded with a smile on her face.

"Y'all are cute." I shrugged. She smirked, "It's all me."

Once we got to the mall we all headed for Victoria Secret.

"Look at these." I said holding up a thong. "This isn't underwear, this is a piece of string- no wait, It's a hair tie."

I was the only one laughing at my own joke. I rolled my eyes and threw them at Sadie. She caught them.

She bucked her eyes and made her mouth form an 'O' "Ooh, I got them hands." she said looking back at me then the underwear. She started dancing around. She stopped once she passed a picture board thing.

"I know Victoria's secret." she smirked. "In this picture, the girl ain't cakin', but in this one." she said going to another one with the same girl. "She got the wedding cake."

"And? What's her secret?"

"They use Photoshop." she whispered loudly. We all started laughing really hard. "I think I just peed myself laughing!" I said. "I peed a little." Sawyer said. We looked at each other quietly before bursting into another fit of laughter.

"Okay, I seriously need new underwear." I said walking away. "What? Carter ripped your other's ones off of you? Too rough?" Sadie teased. I shook my head, "Nah, he just hit it from the back and expanded me ass." I played along.

Sawyer started laughing. "I'm in me girls ass." she said. Then moaned twice. Sadie started laughing while I just stood there awkwardly confused.

"Get out me ass!" Sadie added. "Awe." Sawyer pouted. I giggled and walked to the underwear. "Look at me panty hoes!" I said grabbing a pair of stockings. I started laughing until I felt a pair of underwear hit my head. It was dangling from my hair. "What the fuck." I muttered. "Used panties on my face!" I screamed. The store manager looked at us for probably the thousandth time.

"Can I help you?" she asked. "No, but girl let me help you." Sadie said. "Then shoes don't go with your thong."

"Pull up yo pants hoe." she joked quietly. I laughed. "Alright, I'm ready to check out." I told her. We followed her to the cash register.

Once we got back to Matthew's house they were all sitting on the couch watching a movie.

"Oh you got me some panties." Matthew said getting up and grabbing Sadie's bag. She snatched it back, but he had got a bra out. "They're mine. I don't share." Sadie said. "Not in front of everyone, but when no one's around you turn into a freak a zeak." he said.

I almost killed myself laughing.

"Maddi." Carter said. Hearing my name come from his lips gave me butterflies, forget butterflies... A damn volcano erupted inside my everything. I casually turned his way as if none of the exploding guts thing didn't just happen.

"Can we speak in another room? I have to ask you something." he questioned. I shrugged casually and we walked off.

"I was wondering if you..."


And sorry if you asked to play a role in here and you didn't get it because someone else asked for it first and they got it, but if you want another part just inbox me :)

Ooh damn cliff hanger. I laughed so hard writing this chapter lol.

I laugh at my own jokes guys. Like I laugh like they're the funniest thing on Earth.

I need help... jk I'm perfectly fine

What do you think Carter wanted to ask her? And it will probably surprise you because I don't even know myself tbh lol!

anddd thank you too @ridinonjerry writer L for the shoutout thing lol. I swear every time I check wattpad now there's like a million notifications haha but if you haven't go read both accounts books!

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