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• Maddi POV •

"Wake up!" I heard yelling. I looked up to see Mason and Hayes jumping on the bed. I sat up and glared at them. "Mrs. Espinosa wants us to be down in the lobby in an hour and I kind of figured you wanted to eat breakfast and get ready." Mason said getting down.

"No stupid. She's taking you guys out for breakfast." Hayes said, "She just wanted you to get ready and stuff." he added. I yawned and hit them both with pillows. "I'll wake up in like twenty more minutes. I just need like ten minutes to get ready." I said laying back down.

"We're going to start getting ready then now. Don't look." Matthew spoke. I put my thumb up and went back to sleep.


I felt someone pushing the strands of my hair behind my ear. I slowly opened my eyes to see Jacob sitting next to me.

"You look pretty when you sleep." he smiled. I crinkled my eyebrows. I was kind of creeped out. "What time is it?" I asked sitting up. He shrugged, "I just know Hayes and your little brother wanted for me to wake you up in like ten minutes." he answered. I bit the insides of my right cheek and nodded.

"I need to get dressed then." I muttered getting up. He smiled at me and I left.

Once I got to the bathroom I saw that my hair was all over the place. I went over to the closet thing where my suitcase was and I took out a purple clingy crop top and a pair of denim black overall shorts. I brushed my hair out before doing a french braid.

I started brushing my teeth and I felt a presence lean against the door frame. I laughed awkwardly and kept brushing my teeth.

If he was trying to make me interested in him, it wasn't working... He was being a creep or perve.

By the time I finished we were heading out the door. We walked to the lobby and a bunch of people started yelling for Jacob. I looked away rolling my eyes.

"Took you guys long enough." Mason teased. "They were probably getting it in." Hayes said causing everyone to laugh. Mrs. Espinosa gave us a look.

"There was none of that, I took less than ten minutes." I informed them.

"Alright my children let's go." Mrs. Espinosa said. Jacob kissed my cheek and walked away. "Bye." Mason told Hayes.

We got in her car. I sat in the back with Mason and Matthew sat in the front.

"Can we listen to music?" Matthew asked. Mrs. Espinosa shook her head and he looked at her angrily.

"I do what I want." he shrugged turning up the music. A song I've never heard was playing really loud. It had a nice beat to it though. He started screaming the words and she smacked him.

"This is why I said no music." she fussed. Mason and I chuckled. "Fine. I'll listen to my own music." he said pouting. She grabbed his phone and threw it in the center console. He crossed his arms and she turned the radio up and changed the station.

Some country song came on and Mrs. Espinosa started to sing it. Matthew looked back at us with the 'what the hell is she doing?' look. I laughed and he mouthed to us, 'I don't know her.'

I laughed harder than I think I should've. She turned around and flashed a smile to me. I returned it she turned back to the road.

A few minutes later she was pulling into a restaurant, it was iHop.

"Waffles." Matthew said smirking. We all got out the car and walked inside. We got a table and I glanced at my menu. I didn't want to get anything expensive.

"What can I get you guys to drink?" a waitress asked. "Orange or apple juice, pick one." Mrs. Espinosa told us. "I don't want either." Matthew mumbled. She glared at him. "He can have water. What do you two want?" she asked Mason and me.

I shrugged, Matthew leant closer to me "Apple juice." he whispered. I chuckled and told her I wanted apple juice. "Orange Juice." Mason shrugged.

"Two orange juices, one apple juice, and one water." she said.

The waitress walked away. "I'm sipping from yo apple juice." Matthew said.

I stared at the menu looking for the cheapest thing to get. I don't want to just take her money like that. I was already living in her house.

"What are you getting?" I asked Matthew. His head was covered with the menu and when he lurked out I laughed.

He had two straws up his nose doing something weird with his mouth and his tongue was slightly poking out.

"Matt!" Mrs. Espinosa fussed. I hid my face so she wouldn't see me laughing. The waitress came back and smiled.

"Here's your drinks. Are you ready to order?" she said. "Yeah." Mrs. Espinosa said. We gave her our orders and she left.

I slid my cup over to Matthew so he could drink the Apple juice.

"So what classes do you plan on taking when school starts back?" Mrs. Espinosa asked. I know in the foster home we still had to go to school and I took all the higher leveled classes and Spanish and gym.

I shrugged, "I don't know. What are you taking, Matthew?" I asked. He shrugged, "Regular classes for people who have reasons to fail, and for electives the robotics and chess club." he shrugged. "Whoa." Mason laughed.

"I'm kidding. Probably Spanish and Theatre." he shrugged. That made more since.

"What about you Mason?" she asked. He shrugged, he was only going to seventh grade. "I don't really know what I could take. In sixth grade they didn't let us do anything." he shrugged. "But I liked band."

"Great." she said.


sorryyyyy this chapter is boring like really really boring. the next one will be interesting. (:

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