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• Maddi POV •

"How was your night?" I asked Sadie. It really confused me on why her and Carter were always here. Not that it bothered me, well actually it did when Carter was here.

"It could've been better." I shrugged. "Are you mad about the whole 'Carter ditching you for Lana' thing?" she asked. I shrugged again, "I mean he likes her not me so-"

"Why would that matter? Do you like him?" she smirked. "I honestly don't know. I thought I liked Jacob, but turned out he was only using me and I didn't." I said. "I think he likes you, you should just use Jacob to make him jealous." she suggested.

I shook my head, "I couldn't do that because he's with Mahogany and Lana probably would hate me more than she does now if I tried to."

"Then get to know someone else. Jack Gilinsky." she smirked. I shook my head, he was cute. Like way too cute for me to breath in his direction. "He'll be more than happy to be with you, you know? Just do it." she said.

"I couldn't and how would I even if I could?" I questioned. "It's Saturday. Magcon starts in a couple hours and it just so happens to be in Virginia." she smiled. I shook my head. "I can't go to those. I saw all the hate I got from the fans and if I went it'd be even worse, considering what Jacob did." I said.

He may or may not of had told all his fans about our break up and that I turned them all against him. That's another reason why I probably got glared at.

"Well even better. You'll make the both of them know what they're missing out on with Gilinksy." she said.

"I'll think about it." I shrugged. I wanted to make them both jealous, but how was I? I mean, Jack's probably not even interested in me or he has a girlfriend. Why wouldn't he though, because he's too good looking to be single.


He took her to the event. It's like they're both messing with me. They're being all couply and cute. At least when I was with Jacob I wasn't open with it, he just kisses her all the time in front of everyone.

"Girl, you've been staring for a while." Sadie said. I averted my attention to her and Sawyer before going back to staring at them. "Whatever." Sawyer scoffed and they continued their conversation.

Then Lana and Carter kissed. Again. I turned back to Sadie. "I'll be back." I said getting up.

I was about to go throw myself off the building, but I saw Jack G enter. I guess it wouldn't hurt to try and make them both jealous. I strutted over to him, him and Jack J both got cautious looks. "Hey Madison?" Jack G said.

Great, he didn't even know my name...

"Hey Jack's." I said twirling my hair, I'm flirting right? "I have to pee." Jack J said leaving quickly. I wasn't that bad was I?

"So..." Jack trailed. "So..." I said back. He chuckled showing his beautiful smile, which made me melt. He was absolutely breath taking. He was cute, amazingly blessed with a nice body, had a nice height, and had a perfect smile. He's perfect, not all the way though... The only flaw he had is the Carter one... He's not Carter and that's who I want.


I am so freaking sorry! Like there was supposed to be much more to this chapter, but I literally fell asleep writing it. so this is a cliff hanger now.

I feel so bad because I barely update anymore and I thought that nothing would change once I started school. my chapters are shorter and not edited. (Edited currently now tho)

I'm just so tired but I love writing so much. it's just a lot going on now but it's about to be the weekend and I'm gonna write the whole book

I love you guys so much tho! Thank you for voting and commenting & staying w me this far into my book

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