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• Maddi POV •

We were supposed to go get ice cream, but I woke up not feeling so great. Mason took it pretty hard and I didn't understand why.

"You promised, and I bet if Jacob asked you, you wouldn't have cared about how you're feeling and you would've came." Mason snapped at me. I started coughing and choking.

"Let's not, Mason, because I don't feel good and you know I wouldn't go anywhere with Jacob because I promised you guys I'm free and because I don't feel good, go away." I snapped. Tried to anyways because I was losing my voice.

"Why can you talk to me that way, yet I can't!?" he shouted. I pushed him off the hotel bed and tried to go back to sleep.

"I'll just jump on it." I heard him say. He got up and started jumping up and down. "Mason stop!" I screamed. The room got really quiet. "If you don't quit then I'll leave." I told him. He got off and stomped away. "I'm sorry for yelling." I told Sadie and Matthew. I don't know where Carter was, but I know Matthew and Sadie were on the other side of the room.

"It's fine." Sadie said. "You're so mean." Matthew told me. I rolled my eyes, "I know I promised, but I just really don't feel good." I told him. "He's just upset because you keep blowing us off and when you're finally free you cancel. Just go talk to him." he said.

"I will later because I just want to rest and if I get up he'll just get pissed." I told him. He shrugged, "I'll take everyone." he said. I nodded and they walked out.


I woke up to the door opening and when I looked up it was Carter. "You ready to go?" he asked. I groaned, "blowing me off again?" he mumbled. I felt like I wasn't supposed to hear that. "Sorry for being sick." I snapped. "I didn't mean it like-" "I don't get boys, just because someone accidentally gets sick they just get so mad. You and Mason both need to just get out of your feelings. I can't control it if I'm sick." I snapped cutting him off.

"This is what I get when I try to be nice?" he said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes sitting up. "I've been nothing, but nice to you while everyone else just hates your guts and yet you blow me off for Jacob non stop. You know what I don't get? I'm pretty sure you don't even want to know because it has nothing to do with Jacob, but I'm going to tell you anyways. I don't get dumbass girls like you. There's so many nice guys here who want to be with you or talk to you, but you chose the fucking dick head. You guys are perfect for each other because you both got your heads stuck up your asses!" he shouted.

"Now get over yourself and stop being a bitch." he added. I didn't even know what to say because I knew all of that was true. So I got out of the bed, everything was sore or hurting. I walked over to him, raised my hand to smack him as hard as I could.

I left a pink hand print on his cheek and I instantly felt bad. "I'm so sorry." I said. He started laughing, "No, you're not."

I grabbed his hand and drug him to the sink. His cheek was starting to turn purple. "I didn't mean to." I mumbled opening the freezer and grabbing ice. I held it out for him and he didn't grab it so I pushed it on his cheek. He flinched causing me to laugh. "I really didn't-" I said, but started coughing. He pushed me back lightly, but I tripped and fell.

Almost did, he grabbed my arm and tried yanking me back up to my feet, but I took him down with me. I still fell, just on him.

I groaned because like I said before everything hurt. "Get up!" he panicked. I noticed my face was in the crook of his neck and I felt something poking my stomach. "Sorry." I said before attempting to get up. I rolled over and sat up instead.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have called you a bitch." he said getting up. I couldn't help, but stare at the tent in his pants. His cheeks turned pink and he turned around. "Look who's the pervert now." he teased. I laughed slightly, "You're the one who got horny from a sick girl who fell on you." I teased back.

He walked behind the counter. "You're sick?" he asked. I nodded, "I'm sorry. I was so rude, I didn't know." he told me. I shrugged, "I smacked you so I guess we're even, but I really am sorry." I told him. "You only said words and what I did left a mark." I added. He shrugged.

It was quiet for like four seconds. "Are you still?" I asked not wanting to finish the question. His cheeks turned pink again and he nodded. "How do you make it stop?" I asked letting my curiosity take over. I think his cheeks got even pinker.

"You really want to know?" he asked. I nodded, "You're nosy." he mumbled. I made the 'are you gonna tell me or what' face. He huffed, "Having sexual intercourse," he said causing me to laugh, he sounded like a little ten year old that was grossed out by it. "or I have to take a cold shower." he added.

I laughed again, but it sounded like a cough. He rushed over to me and pat my back. "Are you going to get off the floor?" he asked. I sighed and got up. "I'm going back to sleep." I mumbled walking back. He sighed too. "If you need any help I'll be sleeping on the couch so don't bother me." he joked.

I rolled my eyes and laid in the bed.


"So she's sick?" I heard a voice. I didn't bother opening my eyes because I knew it was Jacob and I'm sleepy.

"Yeah and she wants to be left alone." I heard, I knew that was Carter.

"She's so pretty." Jacob said. I could feel him smiling. "Yeah." Carter said. "Want me to tell her you stopped by when she wakes up?" Carter asked. Jacob didn't respond I just heard shuffling. "Just give this to her and tell her that number is my hotel room." he said.

"Whatever." Carter said rudely. I felt someone kiss my cheek, probably Jacob, but Carter also kisses my cheek so who knows.

"I hope you feel better." it was Jacob.


I had woke up to Carter's snoring. I wanted to kill him, but instead I grabbed a pillow and chunked it at him. He shot up, once he saw it was just me he glared. "Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded. "Jacob stopped by." he said motioning to a note on one of the dressers. I grabbed it and started reading.

I hope you're feeling better when you see this but I wanted to ask you something A-111

"The number is his room." Carter said. I nodded and laid back down.

When I woke up and no one was in the room. So I got up and left.

I was still in sleeping clothes and my hair was messy, but I wanted to see Jacob. He had a question.

I knocked on his door and he answered almost instantly.

"Do you want to go out with me?" he asked. I smiled knowing he meant boyfriend and girlfriend. "Sure." I said. He leaned in and kissed my forehead. "I don't want to get sick." he told me. I shrugged, Jacob was now my boyfriend and I was now his girlfriend.

He grabbed my hand and we walked back to the room.

"Of course you were with him." Mason spat as soon as I opened the door.

"I feel better than I did this morning." I lied. I feel the same. I was just curious for his question.

"Fuck," he said putting emphasis on the word, "you and your dumb ass lies." he snapped storming off. I sighed and Jacob left.

I laid back down and went back to sleep.


In this the oringal magcon are what I mean by magcon events if you were confused. :D anyways comment what you think of the chapter and comment ideas.!!!

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