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three days later// sorry for all the day skips. :D

• Maddi POV •

All the magcon boys stayed because we have to go back to magcon today. They decided to just all fly together.

"Did you pack your bags this time?" Laura teased. I smiled and nodded.

We got into the car and we drove to the airport. Two hours later we pulled in and she parked her car in one of the car lots.

When we boarded the plane the other guys had sat in the back area, We had a four seat row though. Mason sat with Hayes in the back with the other guys, I took the window seat, Sadie was beside me, Matthew was beside Sadie, and Carter was beside Matthew.

I would've talked to Sadie, but she was way too interested in her conversation with Matthew. I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes.

I took about a ten minute nap and I felt moving around so I woke up.

When I looked next to me it was Carter and not Sadie. I smiled to him because I hadn't even gotten a word in with him yesterday, I was either with Matthew, Sadie, Mason, or Laura. I rubbed my neck because it was cramping from my sleeping position.

"Hey." he smiled. I said it back and leaned against the window. "Awe you're going to sleep?" he pouted. I laughed and nodded. "I'm sleepy, I barely got any sleep with all the guys there." I told him. "Why didn't you go upstairs?" he asked. I laughed, I wanted to, but it was Matthew's birthday so it would've been rude to just go upstairs especially for after what he told me.

He opened up and told me about how he missed his dad.

"I'll stay up for you." I told him. "Good. Are you prepared for this magcon?" he asked. I nodded, I put my head back against the window while I looked at him.

"That tiny bit isn't up yet." he told me. I laughed, "you laugh a lot." he added. I nodded. "I know." I said.

"You used to not be all happy and stuff, why now?" he asked. I shrugged, "I like being happy and I'd go back to that anytime so I'm trying to, especially for Mason." I said. He nodded and yawned. "You're tired too." I added.

He nodded, "Time to go to sleep." I smiled closing my eyes. "You can sleep on my shoulder." he told me, "if you want because it's softer than the window." he babbled.

I shrugged and laid on his shoulder. He wrapped his arms around me and put his head on mine. "You're my child now." he joked. I pushed my head up hitting him. "I'm just going to lay on the window." I mumbled.

He grabbed my shoulder, "I am so sorry. I forgot." he said mumbling the last part. He pulled me back onto him, but my head was in his chest this time. He started playing with my hair and I slowly started falling asleep.

When I woke up I was alone in a room. I sat up, we didn't get the same room because we were not in the same state as last time.

I got out of the bed and walked to the area that I assumed was the kitchen, the hotel was almost exactly the same except in different areas and the balcony was just a regular door except glass.

There was a note on the counter and I grabbed it and read it.

I didn't want to wake you up because you looked peaceful so I carried you to the room. Hope you don't mind, but we'll be back at eight if you wake up and we're not there. -Carter

--I felt like you needed to know who wrote this ;)

I looked around for a clock and there was one above one of the couches.


Great I have like an hour to do nothing. It's better than all day though.

The door opened and in came Matthew, Carter, Mason, Hayes, Grace, Sadie, and Laura.

"You're awake." Mason smiled. I nodded, "Y'all are back early." I stated. "No we're not, it's eight." Carter said. "No it's seven. Carter's just stupid, the time zone is different from Virginia to here." Matthew teased.

AN-I didn't know what state to put:D

"Oh." He said walking away. "Did you sleep good?" Laura asked me. I nodded.

"I wanted to talk to you about something." she smiled. "Okay." I smiled back following her to the balcony.

"You and Mason are going to be living with us for quite a while until you get adopted, I think that room that you're in doesn't fit you. Would you like to decorate it?" she asked. I shook my head, I did want to, but I'd feel bad.

"It's okay with me, it's okay." she told me. I shrugged, "as long as you're okay with it." I replied. "Good, and Mason would be moving out to his own room close to you guys of course, but he doesn't know, I thought that we'd make it a surprise for him. Also I trust that you know your brother well enough to know what he would like to be in his room. I think he deserves this too because he's been through a lot for his age." she told me.

I nodded and she hugged me. We walked back inside.

"Are you going back to sleep?" Mason asked. I shook my head. "I'll stay up for you." I smiled.

"Mhm, don't believe that because she said the same thing to me on the plane and she slept for over eight hours." Carter teased. I rolled my eyes playfully. "It's different because I actually like Mason." I joked.

"Well, damn." Carter said. "Cartah!" his mom yelled. I laughed, her accent is so adorable. "Don't say that." she fussed.

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