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• Maddi POV •

"Do I have to come?" I asked Sadie. She smiled and nodded. I sighed and got up. I put on the black dress with black oxfords and laid down on the bed. "You're not going to do your hair? Or make up?" She asked me. "My bad, you're right." I said.

I walked over to the bathroom and put lip stick on then I pulled my hair into a sloppy bun. "Happy?" I remarked. She smiled and nodded, "Very. Now let's go." She said.


"You're so cute!" Sadie said to Matthew. I sighed and slumped down in my seat. I watched as everyone was being a couple, I enviously watched.

Mason and Rebecca, Hayes and Mikayla, Sadie and Matthew, Sawyer and Taylor, and Carter and fucking Liliana. Why is she even here and when did she decide to breath in oxygen on this face of Earth? Or even in this room...?

I just sat slumped in my chair as everyone did their thing. They were all incredibly cute together.

"Hey I'm gonna go powder my nose." I joked getting up and excusing myself from the table. I wonder if anyone actually does that. "Kay." Carter said nonchalantly.

I walked all alone to the bathroom. I just stared at myself in the mirror for a good minute. Then the door swung open. "Hey, why did you leave?" Sawyer asked. I shrugged, "To powder my nose." I lied, I though I knew why I left.

"Well, come back. Someone ordered us a cake." She said leaving. "I don't even like cake." I said, even though she probably didn't hear me. I continued to stare at myself through the mirror. I couldn't possibly be that bad, I mean... Did he not think I was pretty? Attitude is prettier than appearance.

The door swung open again.

"I said I'll be out in a minute, Sawyer." I said. "I'm not Sawyer, but okay."

I looked to see Carter. I kind of screeched once I made eye contact. "Am I that bad?" He joked. That's exactly what I was thinking, but about myself. "You think I'm pretty, right?" I questioned. His face blanked.

What the hell. Am. I. Doing? Okay just play it off Maddi. We got this.

"Yeah- I mean, you're gorgeous and any guy would be so lucky to have you." He shrugged. I smiled, and he cleared his throat. "W-why?" He asked. I shrugged, "I like this guy and I wanted to know before I tried anything." I lied. Well, not technically. Because I do like someone and not just someone I like Carter.

His face softened sadly. I smiled shyly at him. He was breath taking, everything about him.

When he woke up how his hair would stick to his forehead and his morning voice would be so deep. When he was frustrated his eyes would slightly quiver along with his jaw and his posture gets uncomfortable to look at. When he's angry how his eyes water, but only a tad bit and he'd clench his fists. How he tries to hold in his anger, it's really cute.

These three months or plus that I've known, I've fallen for him... not love, but I like him more than a friend and I hope he'd feel the same... Maybe.

"Is it Jack?" He asked. I shrugged, no idiot. It's you. "Jonathan?" He questioned. I shrugged again. I didn't like anyone, but the dork standing in front of me.

"We should probably get back." I stated while walking ahead. He grabbed my arm and pulled me back then pushed me softly into the wall. "Maddi I-". "have a girlfriend who's waiting for you patiently at the table." I said pushing him away and walking again. He stood there looking bewildered.


"I see you with her, and it crushes me inside." I sung softly as I washed my body. The rest of the night went by smoothly. I stayed away from Carter, avoided his eye contact and presence and now I was showering him down the drain.

"Can't go home alone again." I changed the song. I did that a lot. I like mixing songs that didn't even match, together. "Need someone to numb the pain."

No one really noticed how oddly behind I was from them or anything because of their significant others. Which I didn't mind, I didn't care I just didn't want anyone to notice how lonely I was.

"You're gone and I gotta stay high all the time." I sung. I really liked that song, but I'm going to change it again.

"So if you're out there I swear to be good to you."

That song was kind of how I felt at the moment. I just wanted someone to hold. Give me their jacket when it's cold.

"I've been blind to reality." I sung my first song. This was actually the most relatable song I've ever heard.

"She's so pretty. You two look so great."

Okay, too relatable.

"You're all that matters to me." I sung. That was Carter's favorite song.

"Yeah, yeah, what's a queen bed without a queen!" I heard someone chip in their off key vocals. I stopped singing and cut the water off.

I grabbed my towel and dried off before putting on my night clothes.

"Were you in here the whole time?" I asked Carter. He smirked and nodded, "You sing good." He offered. I looked at him like he was crazy, "You stood outside the bathroom while I showered to listen to me sing." I laughed. He just shrugged and nodded while Sadie started laughing. "Well, I'm going to bed." I muttered.

I walked over to my bed and laid down.

• Sadie POV •

You're truly a fucking idiot." I told Carter as I unlocked the door for us to get into the girls hotel room. Maddi was singing which was what Carter wanted to hear... fucking creep.

"All in my head."

"I'm pretty sure that's what she's doing. Can we go now?" I asked. He shook his head, "You're all that matters to me." She switched the song.

Carter, the dumb ass, started to sing along loud and off key. I heard the shower stop and a few moments later Maddi came out dressed with damp hair.

She went to bed after we talked. "Happy now?" I asked him. He nodded, "Very." He shrugged. I threw a pillow at him and we left. I spotted Matthew and ran to him. He caught me and spun me around. I pecked his lips and he put me down.

We walked back with our arms hooked to his room.


How is your guys day go? I love you all and you're my lupitas because you just are haha :)

Anyways vote and comment ideas and what you think of this chapter!!!

Edited ;)

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