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two weeks later... they're in school

• Maddi POV •

So far while school has been in, nothings been bad or anything, I just get a lot of stares and people whisper about me.

"Hey." someone called snapping me out my thoughts. I turned around to see a girl I'd known from last year. "You're Maddi? Can I ask you something?" she asked. I shrugged and she grabbed my arm and pulled me away quickly causing me to stumble a bit.

"Are you Matthew's biological sister?" she asked. I shook my head, "I'm his foster sister. His mom temporarily adopted my brother and me." I shrugged. "People think you're being greedy with their money considering the fact that the teachers bought all the school uniforms for orphans then this year you came back with a new look. Still uniforms just better. Like you actually belong here." she said.

"I've always belonged here." I snapped, "you don't need a ton of money or nice, upper classmen things to fit in. I got into this school because of my IQ, bitch."

She looked taken back. "I didn't mean it to be rude." she said. I didn't even think last year anyone noticed me, I didn't even notice Carter or Matthew, maybe because my nose was always shoved in a book or my mind was focused on worrying for Mason. Two days of the week, the orphanages caregivers would tutor us from the orphanage.

"I don't care. It's still rude for people like you to come up to orphans like me and speak like that." I scoffed. "I said I didn't mean it like that. Sorry." she muttered.

"Don't waste your apologies on a nobody like me. I don't belong here remember?" I spat. She didn't say anything so I just walked away.

"Hey, Saddy Maddi."

Of course. "What, Matthew?" I laughed. "Where are you going?" he asked me. I shrugged and looked down at my schedule because I still didn't have it memorized. "Oh lunch." I laughed. "What I just had lunch. You have B lunch?" he asked and I nodded. "All the boys are in there. Like the really gross ones and then there's like a few girls that aren't you know." he said then leaned down to whisper and pretend it was a secret. "prostitots."

I laughed, "Yeah." I stated not sure of what to say. "I'm kidding. I'm in that lunch, let's go sister." he said like a prissy white girl.

-no racism there lol :$-

We walked to lunch together and I didn't even realize he was in there, I mean it's only like the fourth day anyway. And there's a ton of people.

He led me to a table that had Sadie, Carter, and surprisingly Sawyer.

"Why did you guy's not tell me you had B lunch? I spent all four days roaming the halls and in the library." I said pretending to be mad.

"I didn't even know you went here." Sadie spoke. I laughed and sat beside Carter. "How's it going with Lana?" I asked. He smiled fauxly, I knew it was fake. "Great actually we have a date tonight." he said.

That made me really mad. "Did you forget?" I asked him. He crinkled his eyebrows. "No, forget what?" he questioned. "I told you she'd be mad." Matthew shrugged. I looked at him and he pretended he didn't just say what he said. "So you didn't forget? You were just going to let me go all alone?" I questioned. He didn't look at me, but instead avoided eye contact.

"Just go with Sawyer." Carter said. I rolled my eyes and looked away from him then back. "No offense to Sawyer, but why would she take her of all people?" Sadie snapped.

Sadie doesn't like Sawyer, I've gotten used to her, I just really didn't understand why she hasn't gone back to her friends yet.

"I wouldn't have to if you didn't make plans knowing we were going somewhere." I snapped. "You'll have Sadie, because I am going to Indiana to see my boyfriend." Sawyer said. "Actually we're double dating." Sadie announced. "Carter and Lana with Matthew and me." she added.

"Great, you know what, I'll just go with Mason." I shrugged, "Sorry." Carter muttered. "Don't worry about it. Have fun with your girlfriend." I said. I wanted him to feel guilty and I didn't want him to be dating that girl. She's a fan, and they met literally the day they started dating.

-I'd date Carter the same day I met him too tbh lol- --tb to when that was true lollllll---

"Alright." he said. The rest of lunch was really quiet and awkward. For everyone, Sawyer and Carter awkwardly texted their lovers, Matthew and Sadie awkwardly kissed. It was awkward because everyone was there and because they just came from being a secret.


"You sure you'll be fine alone because I could always cancel on them." Sadie questioned. I wished Carter would've thought that at least. "It's fine, go have fun with Matthew and Carter." I shrugged. "And Lana, but I'm going to help you find a boyfriend." she told me.

The doorbell rang.

We went downstairs to see Lana and Carter kissing. I felt like throwing up. "Hey didn't see you guys." she smirked. "Yeah, you didn't see us in a place where I live." I muttered. Sadie laughed, I didn't think anyone heard that.

Why didn't they even pick her up? It's like they're toying with me. "I'm going to go get dressed." I said walking away. I went to Mason's room- we'd recently finished it. "Hey we're going to the movies get ready." I said.

I walked back out and bumped into someone. I picked myself up to see Lana glaring at me. "Why are you up here?" I asked. "Not to be rude or-"

"Shut up." she scoffed. It was now my turn to glare. "I know you and Carter have a thing you better lose it." she snapped. "Don't interfere with our relationship and I won't interfere with your life." she spat.

It literally took everything in me not to 'accidentally' push her down the stairs. "Oh and by the way, thanks for hooking us up." she smirked before leaving. She's really lucky to be dating Carter because I wanted to choke her.

-Ik typical for her to be a bitch, but I have my reasons-

I just went back to get dressed and we left to the movies. Another thing though, Carter didn't even live here so why did she come here. The world is backwards right now.


We had to see Lucy because the movie Carter and I were originally supposed to watch was a romance.

Halfway through the movie we both were sleeping and I didn't know why because it was a really loud and action full movie.


I felt like Maddi today lol.

schoolio is not coolio.

anyways sorry this sucked...

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