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• Maddi POV •

"Maddi, wake up!" Mason shouted from the other side of the door. It has been one month since we've moved in here. School's back in a few and in a couple more months Mason and I have a hearing. The hearing didn't necessarily mean anything would happen to us, but it would let us know how everything's going.

We may switch families maybe not. I just know I'm going to keep my brother. It would only be two more years until I'm old enough to take care of Mason and myself alone and if we go anywhere else without each other I'm going to just run away with him.

I got up and got my stuff for a shower. I grabbed a black t-shirt that had the words 'YOU'RE A B!TCH' on it. I shrugged and grabbed a pair of white shorts, they matched the words, and a pair of black Tom's.

I rushed to the shower before Matthew or Mason could get to it. I'm not really so comfortable with this family because I know I won't be staying, but Mason is really comfortable. He still thinks we're living here forever.

After my shower I️ walked down the stairs and into the dining room where I heard Mason and Matthew arguing. Once they saw me they stopped. "You're a bitch." Matthew said and my jaw dropped.

"You look inappropriate." Mason said. I glared at him. "Shut up." I snapped. He looked taken back.

"Chill. You're the one with bitch on your shirt." Matthew said. Then I laughed because he wasn't calling me a bitch. He was simply reading my shirt. "I should probably go shower now." Mason said leaving.

I sat down and pulled out my phone. It wasn't anything fancy, but it wasn't anything broken or poor. I had a small flip phone. Not the 70's kind, but the touch screen ones that you hold sideways and slide up to reveal a key pad. I've had it since I was ten. I know the new hot phone is the iPhone or Androids, but I'm not selfish and I appreciated what I have.

"So this week we're going on a magcon event." Matthew said. I cocked my eyebrows. "You've never heard of magcon?" he asked. I remeber Mrs. Espinosa talking about it once, but I never really cared into it, I've also heard Matthew referring to it numerous times. I shook my head slowly.

"Come here." he said. "No thanks." I said slowly. He got up and walked to me. "I'm Matthew Espinosa, what I say goes." he challenged. I stood up and stepped just about close enough that the tips of our shoes were touching.

"I'm Maddi Greene and whatever I say, goes." I mocked. He cocked his eyebrows in an 'oh yeah' way and I gave it back. He grabbed the back of my legs, hesitantly, and threw me over his shoulders before running around his house. I attacked his back to get loose, but he wasn't going to budge. Finally just giving up and laying down on his back lifeless as he carried me through his house, he stopped and I looked up to see the kitchen. His mom was cleaning dishes.

"Shh." he said. "Help!" I shouted. She jumped and looked our way. "Matthew, put her down!" she fussed. I laughed until I felt my butt hit the ground really hard.

I rubbed my butt after I stood up. Mrs. Espinosa stared at my shirt. "What does that say?" she asked. Matthew laughed evilly. "Uh.." I mumbled. She pointed up the stairs and I went to go change. I grabbed a plain black shirt this time.

"It's time to go!" Mrs. Espinosa said. I didn't even know where we were going. I just woke up and got ready.

I walked out the room just as Mason was coming out the bathroom. He was wearing some jeans with a random plain blue t-shirt and a pair of vans.

We didn't have much when we got here, but I worked around the house so I could make some money without feeling guilty on just taking it so I could get us some new clothes or at least some more decent looking clothes.

Mason walked over to me and tried putting his arm around my shoulder, but I pushed him off. "I don't like being this close." I muttered, I was still a bit mortified to affection. He mocked me and rushed down the stairs.

We all got into the car and it was about thirty minutes until she was pulling into a parking lot. We were at an airport. "Where are we going?" I asked.

I️ knew that we didn't have anywhere to go in Virginia, but I️ never thought they'd send us away suddenly and on a plane.

"Did Matt not tell you?" she asked popping Matthew. I nodded and he turned around smirking at me.

"He told me, if you weren't such a grouch pouch he would've told you, too." Mason said, I glared at him. "I did, but we ended up fighting." Matthew said. "Yeah, what's Magcon?" I mumbled.

They explained it on the flight I was still a bit confused, but I just assumed I'd get over it and understand later.

"Matt's over there!" Someone yelled pointing to us when we got inside the hotel. A bunch of girls started screaming. Mason grabbed my hand and I pulled away. "You looked scared." he whispered and I shrugged it off.

We rushed off to one of the rooms. "I'm sort of an internet sensation." he shrugged. I nodded and sat down on one of the beds, I️ didn't even care.

"We can go down to the mall later and buy you some clothes." Mrs. Espinosa said. I shook my head, "you don't have to waste your money." I said.

"No it's not a problem. You've done so much around the house. You deserve it." She said. "Are you sure?" I asked. She nodded, "I won't have you wearing the same thing for an entire week. You guys will stay in this room." she told us. "I'm going to stay with the parents."

I nodded and so did Mason. "Mom, I roomed with you last time. Can't I just stay with the boys?" Matthew whined. She gave him the warning look. He would get that a lot. "I want you to stay with Mason and Maddi." she said. He rolled his eyes and she opened the door. "I'll be back in a few with your clothes." she said.

I looked down. I really didn't need for her to do that, I felt bad.

"Let's go." Matthew said. I raised my eye brows at him. "I'm not a dog." I said. Mason rolled his eyes at me. "I'll go." He said. "I want you to meet the guys. If you're going to be staying with us I want for you to meet them." Matthew said.

I sighed, "I'd rather not, just keep an eye out on my brother." I mumbled. Mason shrugged and they left.

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