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• Maddi POV •

After they left I just got up and examined the room. It was nice, there were two beds pushed agianst the walls and towards the middle of the room, there was a flat screen secured up to the wall with a coffee table pushed out underneath, and there was a bowl of mints on it. Sprawled around the coffee table was a love seat and two single chairs either side.

This was definitely more than my family could have ever afforded, that is if they were still alive...

I walked over to the kitchen area. There was a bar with three stools underneath and a chandelier light above it and the sink was to the other side beside the stove that was next to the refrigerator and there were a couple kitchen appliances like a toaster, microwave, coffee maker, and a blender. This hotel definitely wanted good reviews.

I walked towards the bathroom. I opened the door to reveal a closet, it had a mirror against a wall and there was a shelf with outlets I think for curling irons or something. And there was another door behind it.

I opened it to reveal a sink. A room for just a sink seemed, overrated and entirely expensive and such a waste of money. The shower and toilet were pushed further down.

I walked towards a door that was see through. I could tell it was a balcony. I opened it and walked out. It was a great view, so maybe all the money being spent wasn't so bad and such a waste, I found this quite alluring.

The door to the room opened. I ignored it and put my hands on the railing. I closed my eyes and let the wind blow away my past.

It reminded me of the first time we'd ever went to sea world...

"Come on Mason, mommy's waiting." I told my brother.

"Mads, you don't have to rush anyone. We're still packing up the car." mom said. I shrugged and pulled on Mason so we could get into the car.

"Everything tight?" Dad asked getting into the driver's seat. Mom got in also and nodded before pecking his lips. "Ew." Mason mumbled. I laughed and they started the car.

"Who's ready for sea world!?" Dad asked to get us all rowled. We screamed in excitement as they drove down the street.

A couple hours later we reached our destination. As soon as they parked the car we ran to get our bands.

"Can we get t-shirts?" I asked. They nodded and we ran to the souvenir shop. After grabbing shirts, key chains, toys, posters, sunglasses. We got into our seats.

It did seem like we had a ton of money, considering all the junk we had gotten that did go into the trash, but it was a trip they'd spent months saving up for. I never realized that until I grew up. In other words, it was too late.

As soon as we sat down Mason and I stood up to get closer to the giant fish bowl. We placed our hands on the railing and the wind blew my hair along with anything boring in my life. I had loved wind so much.

The next thing we heard was screaming. It wasn't angry, but it was excitedly chants being thrown out by the audience.

Then a felt a bunch of water being splashed on me. I jumped as the cold salty water hit my body...

I was also snapped from the memory as someone grabbed me, and just snatched me away. I jumped from the memory after feeling someone's hands grip my waist.

I screamed and turned around to be face to face with so many boys and they were all laughing, and they were all also fair looking. I felt the tips of my ears burning. I was so petrified and confused by all of this.

"Did you see her face!?" Mason choked out as he laughed. I glared at him. "Yeah and so will everyone else." a guy wearing a snap back said.

They were all laughing at me. Then they stopped shortly after realizing I wasn't laughing with them all, but about three. I'm pretty sure my face was crimson red because of the mixture of anger and embarrassment I was in.

"You think that's funny, because it definitely wasn't. Why would you do that?" I fussed. The remainder three laughing finally stopped. "We didn't think you'd get upset." Matthew spoke up.

I could hear their thoughts, literally. It felt like most of them were thinking what was my problem.

"Exactly, you didn't think." I snapped, I pushed past them all and left. I was having a good memory of my family and they ruined it.

I walked all the way to the nearest park. There was a couple of girls staring at me on my way, but I ignored it. I never really got noticed so it was weird.

I was sitting still on the swings trying to go back to my memory.

I couldn't.

I felt someone's presence beside me so I turned, just to see Mason and Matthew. "Please leave me alone." I mumbled looking back at what was ahead of me.

"Maddi you used to be so cool and now you're just always mad." Mason said. I turned around to face them and got up. "I'll just leave, thanks." I murmured, pushing past them.

I walked back to the hotel room and while I was in the elevator someone stumbled in. It was one of the guys. He stared at me as if he was scared to enter. I rolled my eyes, crossing my arms as I moved to a corner in the elevator.

He finally decided on entering. I rolled my eyes again. "Sorry about what happened." he mumbled. I looked over at him and he was alertedly smiling at me. I looked away and he stood beside me once the elevator started going.

"I'm Jacob." he said. I glared at him, "and I️ don't care." I said. He grabbed my wrist and forced me to look at him, I didn't understand why he still attempted to get my attention, I was bluntly rude to him.

He finally grew tired and pushed me against the wall and put both arms either side of my head so I wouldn't move. I looked him in the eyes, I was surprised I didn't have a panic attack although my breathing did increase incredibly. He smiled in a satisfying way. "Let me go, what do you want?" I snapped. He shrugged, "a lot of things, but mainly I want to talk to you."

"I'm not like those guys. I didn't know what was going on. I just followed them and they walked towards you and scared you I guess. I didn't think it was funny either."

I stared at this guy in disbelief. What was he getting at? He did laugh they all did. I nearly peed myself and they made it out a joke. He laughed along with the rest of them, I didn't understood their prank and I wasn't going to be the laugh of a dumb joke.

The elevator stopped and the door opened. There was a bunch of girls waiting there and once they turned around and saw who it was they all started screaming. I'm assuming it was because of Jacob.

I rolled my eyes as they piled and lingered the elevator with their bodies as I escaped. I looked back and he reached out for my help. It was just a bunch of girls, how harmful could they be? I kept walking until I reached the room I was sleeping in and I felt someone grab my arm. I turned around to see Jacob and he didn't look happy.

"Why were they all yelling?" I asked. He looked shocked. "Why aren't you yelling, are you not happy to see me?" he asked. I cocked my eye brows, again with all this cockiness.

"And why should I, I don't even know you." I informed him.

"Oh god, we've got a lot of work to do." He said.

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