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• Maddi POV •

I was laying down on my back just thinking. I had heard the door open a few minutes ago, but I didn't think anything of it because they normally open doors all the time.

I just felt really guilty about how I yelled at all of them. They didn't mean to hurt my feelings and I didn't mean to yell like that or say any of those things to Mason.

I heard a feminine laugh.

"Oh my gosh, don't bring that up!" I heard from downstairs. It was an unfamiliar voice, a girl voice. "So who's the kid?" she asked. It was a short pause. "Mason, that's Maddi's little brother." I heard Carter say. "Oh from the event, I remember them!" she exclaimed. I rolled my eyes and got up.

I put some shorts on to go under my oversized t shirt and brushed my hair into a bun before going downstairs.

I saw them all sitting on the couch. It was a girl between Carter and Matthew and Mason was sitting on one of the love seats sprawled out asleep.

I smiled when I saw him. He looked so happy and peaceful even as he was sleeping. "Isn't she like dating Jacob?" the girl asked. "No." I said entering. I knew she was talking about me because everyone thinks I'm dating him even though I'm not.

"You're awake." Carter said smiling at me. I rolled my eyes, "Obviously I'm standing right here." I chuckled. "Can I talk to you?" Matthew asked. I shrugged.

He got up and led me to the kitchen.

"Are you okay?" he asked me. "Yeah." I said shrugging. "I'm really sorry about the whole name thing. I really am confused about it though." he mumbled. I shrugged, "Is Mason okay?" I asked. He shrugged back. "I think you really hurt his feelings." he said.

"I was really in a shit hole yesterday and I didn't mean to come off as a bitch." I mumbled. "It was my fault. I shouldn't have called you Mads when you asked me not to." he said. I looked up as a get away.

"I just need to make sure Mason is alright." I said. "I'm pretty sure he is." Matthew told me.

"Holy shit!" We heard from the kitchen. Carter and the girl started laughing. "You can go back to them if you want." I muttered. He nodded, "You can come too." he offered. I shook my head.

I'm going to wake Mason up and take him somewhere to make up for yesterday.

We walked into the living room to see them close to each other laughing. I looked up at Matthew and he rolled his eyes. I went over to Mason and knealed down.

I grabbed his arm and shook him. "Mason wake up." I said keeping my head distanced, "Come on." I mumbled. The room was quiet and I looked back to see them staring at us. I rolled my eyes and continued to shake him.

He rolled over, "Shut up." he mumbled. I shook him again. "What?" he snapped opening his eyes. "Can I take you somewhere?" I asked him. He looked away. "I don't think that's a good idea." he mumbled. I shook my head, "Just come on. Please." I begged. He sighed before sitting up. "If I do then will you leave me alone?" he asked causing me to sigh.

"I guess." I said feeling too defeated. He groaned and got up. "Just wear something you're comfortable in." I told him. "Don't tell me how to dress." he snapped walking towards Matthew's room.

"Why was he being so rude?" The girl asked. I looked her up and down, not to be rude just to see how she looked and kind of read her. "He's not rude. He's just been through a lot of shit, okay?" I said. She put her hands up in defeat.

I rolled my eyes and went upstairs to get dressed. I put on a pair of black denim shorts, a white graphic t shirt with 'random' in in black across it, and a pair of converse.

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