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:D so I know a lot of people wanted Jacob to be kissing another girl and that's what they saw, but PLOT TWIST it was Sadie and Matthew. (who saw it coming) But anyways, I'm making it up to you guys. You're really going to like this chapter;)

• Maddi POV •

Carter had my hand running down the hotels hallway passing rooms. I pried my hand away placing my hands on my knees while panting.

"Carter wait." I said trying to catch my breathe. I looked up and around to see I had stopped in front of the room A-111. Of course I would do that.

"Are you okay?" he asked. I nodded and stood up straight. "This is Jacob's room." I told him. He scoffed. "Can we go inside and beat him up?" he joked, at least I think he was, I'm pretty sure he was.

"Come on." I said grabbing his hand and running. I don't know where we were going, but so far I was going the right way.

I stopped at a two way. "Go right!" He told me. I laughed and kept running. He had gave me directions in which way to run or turn.

"Go in the elevator." he demanded. I was so pumped, and I didn't know why. I was fidgeting and bouncing until it opened. I pulled him inside. He started jumping causing the elevator to shake. I grabbed his arm forcing him to stop. "It makes it go faster. Come on." he said continuing.

Hell no, if this thing breaks I'll be stuck, with him.

Just kidding, I liked his company.

"I'll push the emergency button and make us stop until a worker comes to free us if you don't jump and trust me I know they take almost an hour." he said. I chewed on my bottom lip and he yanked my arm.

I laughed shaking my head and started jumping with him. The elevator opened and I ran out. "Maddi!" Carter called. I looked behind my and he was no where. I laughed and went back.

The elevator was closed. I turned around there was a mirror in front of me. His hat had been on the floor. I walked over to it and picked it up while laughing. When I got back up someone was behind me causing me to scream.

He put something over my mouth causing me to fall asleep.

I'm only kidding, "Carter!" I yelled. "You scared the shit out of me." I said panting. My heart rate probably increased insanely.

"I don't see shit." Carter said. I turned to face him and he was smirking. "You're gross." I mumbled hitting him. "You scared me." I said. He laughed, "don't leave me next time." he smirked again. He grabbed my hand and we started running.

We passed a door and I kept running. "Stop!" he laughed. I ran back dragging him with me and he opened the door quietly.

"Are we allowed up here?" I asked. He shrugged, "But I'm pretty sure you wouldn't care."

I shrugged also and we walked up the stair case. He opened another door and it led us outside.

There was a bunch of lighting bugs. I remember as a nine year old, Mason and I were obsessed with them and we collected them in water bottles unaware that they'd still suffocate even with holes in the cap.

He caught one in his hand. "Want it?" he asked me. I shivered, "You cold?"

I shook my head, it's just been awhile since my bug fascination stage.

"Here catch some with me." he said. I shrugged, why not? They don't even bite.

He grabbed my waist and led me over to the edge after we spent at least five minutes catching them. He bent over looking down.

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