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Three weeks later

• Maddi POV •

"Maddi, Carter's here." I heard Laura say. It literally felt like yesterday, Mason and I were just dirty orphans coming to temporarily live with the Espinosa's I've grown so comfortable with them, like they're my family, well they are.

I grabbed my creme coloured draw bag and walked out. I was wearing wedges with a black peplum dress. My hair had been slicked back into a high pony tail and I curled my pony tail. For makeup, I actually wore a bit of eye liner, mascara, and lip stick.

I felt like a princess, I mean, Carter was going to make me his princess. His words.

"Bye, Mason, don't do anything I wouldn't do." I told him. Rebecca was going to stay the night while everyone was out at Homecoming. Her and Mason had been dating for as long as Carter and I, he really liked her and they're really cute together.

I'm happy and so is my little brother. That's literally all I could ever ask for... Happiness.

He hugged me, then Carter and I left.

He opened my door and I got into the front with him. Matthew and Sadie were sitting in the back and in the third row was Sawyer and Taylor.

The drive was short, but once we got there, Carter and I danced the whole night, they were taking requests. Clean or not, obviously they didn't care from the obscene language I've heard all of tonight.

"I'm gonna go request one." Carter said leaving. "You guys are the cutest." Sadie told me. I smiled, "No you and Matthew are cuter." I shrugged.

"You guy's relationships are both cute, okay?" Sawyer said. Sadie and I flipped our hair, "Stop it." We said in unison.

Carter came back and after the song that was recently playing his song started. He grabbed my arm and took me to the very back where no one was. "I know you dance, show me." He said. My ears heated up because being told to dance was awkward I'd rather do it willingly...

FM$ started to play and I face palmed myself. "Carter." I exclaimed. He chuckled, "This is too inappropriate!" I added hitting him. He spun me around and gripped my waist. He pulled me back into him and moved my hips with the beat of the song.

I felt so stupid. "Carter." I whined.

-bitch, if Carter ever grabs your waist and pulls you on his dick you hop on it... stop trying to fight it!-

"Maddi." He whined back. And holy shit, it sounded hot. He turned me around and pulled me into him. He started grinding into me and I almost turned into a Maddi puddle on spot.

He continued it for a while then he grabbed my wrist and drug me out.

"What about Matthew, Taylor, Sawyer and Sadie?" I questioned him as we got inside his car. "They'll ride back in a cab." He said showing me a text. I nodded and he drove to somewhere. I literally thought that Taylor flying down to Virginia to see Sawyer and go to her home coming was the cutest thing ever.

He parked the car and I noticed we were like on a beach. I didn't even know there was one here to be honest.

"Can I make you feel good?" He asked. I didn't know what to say, I mean I wanted him to, but I was a virgin and it would hurt and I thought your first time would be special, like in a hotel room or something.

"Please, I won't hurt you." He said barely above a whisper. "Okay." I said softly. He grabbed my hand and kissed my knuckles before getting out. He opened my door and then the back door.

We got in and he began leaving kisses down my neck. He pushed me further back into the car and lifted up my dress. He split my legs apart and removed any clothing that was down there. I felt so awkward, about everything.

He lowered his face and I shut my legs and they cuffed his cheeks. I never thought I could move so fast I deserved a record.

Fastest leg closer.

Yeah, that sounds accurate. He looked up at me from my thighs.

"I don't-" I said not wanting to finish. "Okay, that's fine." He shrugged. He fumbled with his back pocket then dug out a silver packet. He opened it and took off his jeans. Well lowered them.

Who would've known... Little innocent, but very bitchy, Maddi would be losing her virginity to Carter, her boyfriend of a month, in the back seat of a car. How pleasant...

He didn't do anything to make it hurt less once his extension was in my outlet. He just plugged in.

-laughing at how stupid, i am-


"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry." Carter said cautiously. I hid my face, I felt like a baby... Of course a few tears would've slipped from anyone, but I full on sobbed. Not really, but my pain wasn't hidden.

He tried to stop, but I couldn't be a virgin forever, right?

"It's okay trust me." I said stopping. He nodded and wrapped me in his arms. We just cuddled where he recently popped my cherry. And took my V card.

I turned back to him and kissed him. "I'll be fine." I shrugged. He nodded.


Well Maddi is a hoe. Jk lol. No I'm not but anyways four more chapters then I'll be done forevaaa.

Until the sequel is published ;)

I had actually added in an unplanned chapter. Like all my chapters have been written and saved in my notes, but that last one wasn't planned.

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