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• Maddi POV •

We were at the park in Ohio because there was a Magcon in Ohio.

Sadie and Sawyer tried to talk to me, but I wasn't gonna have it. Carter was pushing me on the swings at the moment though. Once the swing slowed down, I jumped off. He was standing in front of me and was supposed to catch me. I should've remembered that he wasn't the strongest. We fell back and I laughed. I was straddling him. Why not tease him? It was funny.

I kissed his neck and brushed my hand against his dick. He tensed up and grabbed my face to kiss me. I hopped up and ran away from him. Evil, I know.

I looked behind me to see him chasing after me and when I looked back in front of me, I saw a little girl, but I ran into her causing us both to fall.

I quickly got up and helped her up also. She looked like she was about to cry. I grabbed her shoulders to make sure she was okay. It felt familiar, touching her. Not in the way I'd touch Carter though.

She stopped making the cry face and looked at me. "Are you okay?" I asked. She nodded, everything about this little girl was familiar. "Yeah." She said rubbing her elbow. I felt so bad, I basically crushed this little girl.

I saw a woman making her way towards us. "What happened?" She asked. "I'm so sorry, I ran into her. She said she was okay, but I'm not the lightest." I told her mom babbling.

"She's fine, I'm her nanny, nothing to babble over." The girl said. I nodded and they left.

"Alright let's go." Carter said. I nodded still staring at the little girl. I got up to my feet and we walked back to his car.


I laid down on the bed next to Carter and he rolled over to face me. Even though his eyes were closed because he was taking a nap. It was like he could tell I was there. I smiled and kissed his forehead. He was so handsome, and just perfect to me. Everything about him was perfect.

"Stop watching me." He said. I laughed and sprawled my body onto his. He grabbed my waist and pulled me closer into his body. "Wanna go down to the lobby?" He asked. I shrugged and began to get out of him arms, but he just grabbed my wrist and pulled me on him. I was straddling his waist with my hands either side of his face and our lips were close. "I think you owe me from the park." He whispered before pecking my lips.

The door opened and I was about to hop off, but he grabbed my wrist keeping me in place. We both looked to see Laura. My eyes widened and I swear I jumped all the way to Uganda.

-Guys I'm from Uganda. Like no joke-

"Well next time put the 'do not disturb' sign up." She teased. I was so embarrassed. "Anyways, head down to the lobby, something really important is happening." She said cautiously making a sympathetic face.

We walked out without making a noise until we were far away from the room. "Okay, we can't do that anymore." I told Carter. He shook his head, "Yeah, I was about to pull out my condoms." He said. My eyes widened and I hit him. "Why do you carry them anyway?" I scoffed.

He shrugged, "Never know when you'll need them. We could go fuck in that room right now, but you be playin'." He said. I scoffed at him while he just laughed like it was the most casual thing ever to say at times like this.

"Hey, Bart!" We heard. We entered the room to see Taylor ripping down a poster. My jaw dropped and Sawyer rushed towards him to take him down from the stage. He grabbed her hand and started dancing with her. It was so cute, that could be Carter and me, but I'm too lazy.

"What's going on?" Carter asked as we approached Cameron. "Bart used us for his own money privileges." He scoffed.

The rest of the day was crazy because everyone was pissed. "Maddi." I heard. I turned around to see Sadie and Sawyer. I rolled my eyes and looked away. Sadie stepped in front of me. "Why'd you just roll your eyes at me?" She asked. "Who were you talking about?" I snapped. Sawyer frowned and looked away. "What are you talking about?" She snapped back.

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