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• Maddi POV •

We were all sitting in the dark on the couch because we were too lazy to get up and do something.

"This is boring." Sadie said in a deep voice that was growly and grogly. I got so happy when she did it because I always did that with mine and no one ever knew how to do it.

"Hey!" I said in the same voice. Her eyes widened and she smiled, "Aye." she said wiggling her eyebrows. "You come here often?" I asked. We continued the conversation in that voice while the guys just sat there confused.

"What the heck?" Carter muttered. "Shut up." we said at the same time. "Hey!" we said again. I smirked at her and she smirked back. "Let's go ditch the idiots." she said. "Alright, does your throat hurt?" I asked. She laughed and nodded.

I just really thought it was funny how we sat in the dark having a full conversation.

We both got up and went to my room. "Why hasn't anyone gone home yet?" I asked. We'd been here for like a couple of days now and Sadie and Carter has stayed every night. "I like it here." she shrugged, "and Carter doesn't like going home. He normally stays here forever. I never did because I didn't wanna be the only girl." she added.

"We can have a full day for ourselves then. We hang out and know nothing about each other." I pointed out. "Yeah let's change then go." she said.

We walked to my closet, Sadie and I were about the same size so she wore something I had. That's funny because I'd normally be the one borrowing her clothes.

She had grabbed a red crop top that had a gold zipper down the middle and she had a pair of black high waisted shorts on.

I had a green crop top with black flowers and a pair of black shorts.

"Alright, post pictures on instagram then we'll leave." she said. I had an Instagram, but I didn't know what it was.

"You should post them." I said. She shrugged and we took pictures, I made ugly faces while she made gorgeous ones. "Okay come on we have to have at least one decent one." she groaned. I laughed and smiled a real smile. I haven't seen it in a while, I didn't think I was capable of doing that.

"Awe cute." she said tapping things on her phone. "What's your username?" she asked. "I don't even remember." I laughed.

"We'll figure that out when we get back." she said and we left out.

"You drive right?" she asked. I shook my head, "Remember? Orphan central." I laughed. "I'm not going to laugh, but that was pretty funny." she told me.

"I don't drive either." she added. We walked back in and Sadie showed a very toothy smile. "Carter." I said. He looked over at us. " Can you drive us to the mall?" I asked. "Can we come?" he asked. "Obviously if you're gonna drive." Sadie said. He shrugged and they all got up.

We hopped in a car and drove to the mall.

Carter driving, Matthew in the passengers seat, Mason in the second row all alone, and we were sitting in the third row. "We've got to get a sixth person my age." Mason mumbled.

"Hayes says that all the time. We can fly him down here for a while." Matthew suggested. We ignored them and had our own conversation.


Once we got to the mall we split up and left them. "Do you think they'll notice?" I asked Sadie. She shrugged. "So what's the thing you have with Matthew?" I asked her.

"Nothing really, we're just friends now." she shrugged. "Oh, cute." I said. "Yeah, like you and Carter." she said. I shook my head, "I'm actually dating Jacob." I said.

"It just really feels wrong though because remember I told you I kissed Carter, well he kissed me and I kissed back and Carter's been extra pervertive lately, but he's normally pervertive so yeah." I babbled, "but you and Matthew would make an amazing couple."

"I want to date him if I'm honest, but I don't think he wants to label things considering he hid me and still is hiding me." she said. "He'll come around." I told her nodding.

We walked back and the rest of the way home we slept. It was about like a thirty minute drive.


"Alright kiddos." Laura said entering the room. "Mom, no." Matthew laughed.

"I'm hip." she smirked. "Don't you think so, Sadie?"

"For sure, Laura." Sadie laughed. I agreed, "An old friend of mine is back in town and her daughter is going to stay with us for a bit while Grace and us are going out of town." she said.

"You guys already met her Carter and Maddi." she said. I didn't recall, but Carter nodded so I shrugged.

"Alright, night." she said leaving. "They'll be here first thing in the morning."

*next morning*

Laura's friend and her daughter had just arrived.

"Hey I bet you're Maddi I've heard a lot about you, this is my daughter." the woman said.

Her daughter came in the room and when she saw me she smiled.

"This is..."


Alright who do you think it is!?

Sorry if this sucks but I really haven't been feeling good either but anyways next update probably will be around this time :D  Love you guys.

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