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• Maddi POV •

It feels like every morning I'm waking up either to a chest, jumping, yelling, or something. I think this is the first time not waking up to that.

I was the first one awake, I took a shower and brushed my hair. I cooked breakfast and anything that needed cleaning, I cleant. Just kidding, I didn't clean up anything except my mess.

"Mom?" I heard. I turned around to see Matthew rubbing his eyes as he entered the kitchen. I laughed, "You are not my mom." he told me. I laughed and nodded, "I really thought that my mom was back and I got so happy, but she isn't here." he muttered. "Why would I be your mom though?" I asked.

"You cooked and I smelled her perfume." he told me. I frowned, "I'm sorry, she's not here though." I mumbled turning around back to the stove.

"Wait, I'm so sorry. That sounded really selfish." he exclaimed. I shook my head, "It's fine." I said. "Can I ask you something?" he asked.

"You just did." I teased. "But yeah." I shrugged.

"What happens if you don't get adopted with Mason?" he asked. I shrugged, because I don't know what I'd do and it seems like everyone thinks we wouldn't because I've been asked that before.

"I guess there'd be no more trying. I mean everytime we get adopted I try my best to stay with him and if we get separated I always felt bad for him being terrible just to stay with me. I guess I'd just have to wait until I'm eighteen and I'd adopt him myself, but I think this time I'd just let him go, I can't keep him back from having a family just because no one would want to adopt me." I said honestly.

"When you're not snappy at Mason, he's really lucky to have a sister like you. If we could do anything to keep you guys together we would." Matthew told me. I shrugged, "In two years we'll be on our own so if we were to get separated I'd take him back, but I'm pretty sure we won't." I shrugged.

"I smell food." We turned around to see Carter. "Good because I cooked." I shrugged. I made eggs and bacon wrapped in pancakes.

"Go sit and I'll take you your plates." I demanded after Mason came out. They all sat at the table and I gave them their plates sitting down also.

After Mason took a bite he made a face. "What?" I asked.

"It's gross." he stated pushing his plate out. "It can't be that bad." Matthew said taking a bite. He gagged and spit it out. "Yeah it's gross, smells good yeah, but it's nasty." he said. "Let me try it." Carter shrugged.

He made a face, but hid it with a fake smile. "It's good." he said smiling. I could tell he was lying. "Oh come on." I groaned. "I like it." Carter lied again.

"You don't have to pretend just to make her happy." Mason told him. I glared at them. "Fine, we can just go get take out." I said. "Thank god." Matthew said.

"I guess I mean if you insist." Carter said. We all got up and went to Carter's car. Matthew in the passengers seat and Mason and I in the back.

"I think I deserve to sit in the front from all my hard work and it going to waste." I joked. "I think we should ride with the windows down because I might puke from your hard work." Matthew joked.

"Sorry I think I put way too much rat poison in it. Oops." I joked. Mason smiled so widely and Carter and Matthew laughed.

"I knew you were evil." Matthew said crossing his arms.


"So who was that girl that was here yesterday?" Mason asked. I shrugged, "That was Sadie." Carter said smiling up. "She's coming over actually." he added.

"She was pretty." Mason said. "Yeah she was." Carter smirked. "Yeah I agree." Matthew snapped.

I heard the door open and I turned around to see Sadie walking in. "Hey." she smiled. Matthew was the first to get up and hug her. She smiled wrapping her arms around his neck as he wrapped his around her waist.

"What's the plan for today?" she asked. "I don't know. What do girls like to do?" Matthew asked. I shrugged, I really didn't know the only thing that I like doing is looking out for Mason. I think.

"I don't know either. Girls aren't as interesting as guys think." Sadie informed. They looked at me and I shrugged. "How about we go to a party?" Carter suggested. I shook my head, "Mason is twelve." I told them.

"How about the beach?" Sadie suggested. They shrugged, I could tell I wasn't going to be a fan of her, she seems too fake. "I like the beach." Matthew shrugged.

She just had the bitch look.

"Okay, everyone go get ready and be down in thirty minutes." Carter demanded.

We were at the beach.

Mason and Matthew played a game in the water, I think Carter fell asleep, and I just stayed with Sadie. Everything that came out of her mouth was annoying. Unless it was just me.

"How's your summer been?" she asked me. I shrugged, "It's been alright, but I have no room for complaints because it's better than any Summer's I've had before." I shrugged. She cocked her face obviously confused. I sighed, it really doesn't matter now for who I tell anything to or what I say because in the end they'd find out anyways.

"Mason and my parents aren't alive. We aren't adopted by Matthew's family we're just staying until we get a home and when we were in the foster home they made us clean. We didn't get love and other stuff we needed." I shrugged. Her face softened then she smiled.

"I'm glad you're here because I feel like you guys deserve this. Who knows maybe Mrs. Laura will adopt you two. She is so sweet like that and she desperately wants a girl in the house." she told me.

I nodded, "but I don't think I deserve them. Mason does, but I don't. If we were to get adopted by someone it would be amazing. I just wanna settle down with a family instead of swapping every two weeks or even seconds." I shrugged. "I feel so bad. I wanna give advice, but I don't know what it feels like to be in that situation." she frowned.

I shrugged while smiling, "I misjudged you. You're way cooler than I thought." I told her. She smiled flipping her hair. "I try." she laughed.

I saw Matthew running towards us. He grabbed Sadie's arm yanking her up and putting her over his shoulder. It looked so cute as he ran into the water with her screaming to get loose. Her voice woke Carter up.

"Why come you're not in the water?" I asked him. "You said that wrong." he said avoiding the topic. "You're right." I laughed not wanting to push it.

"You look adorable." I told him honestly. He smiled at me cockily. He had sand in his hair, I'm guessing he didn't know.

I put my hand in his hair, trying to get the sand out. He groaned as I did it. "Why'd you moan?" I asked and laughed. He shrugged, "It felt really good." he said as I pulled my hand out. He whimpered.

"Keep doing it." he said. I laughed and did it again making him make weird sexual noises. "Wait." he said grabbing my hands. "Damn you have cold hands." he muttered sitting a few feet in front of me. He laid back, putting his head in my lap then he grabbed my hand and put it back.

"I'm going back to sleep." he smiled closing his eyes.

I kept rubbing his hair until he was sleeping. "Maddi!" Matthew exclaimed, "What did you do to my best friend!?" he added.

I shrugged, "She put him to bed obviously." Mason said causing everyone to laugh. He didn't know how wrong that sounded.

"Wait, I didn't mean it like that. Ew." he said, laughing nervously causing all of us to laugh again.

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