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• Carter POV •

Today we're going to have a guy day. No girls period, no talking to them or thinking of them.

The only problem I was going to have with that is the fact that I wanted to kiss Maddi yesterday, but she punted me in the friend zone. She told me she didn't have any feelings what so ever, but I do. I like Maddi.

"Ready to go?" Matthew asked. I nodded and got up. "I'm gonna go say bye to Sadie really quickly." Matthew said before walking out backwards.

"Hey, I said boys day not let's go say bye to the girls day." Mason joked. Maddi came into the living room and Mason smirked at me. "Let me guess you want to say bye also?" he teased.

I did, but I'm keeping my distance from her to stop my feelings. She smiled at me and kept going. "Better go get your girl." Hayes said. I shook my head, "She's in a relationship and so am I." I lied. If I'm any where near a relationship it's my friendship with Matt.

"Really? Can we get a name?" Hayes questioned. I didn't have a name for anyone, "No, you don't deserve it." I spoke. Matthew came back downstairs and we left out. We were just going to see where we ended.

"We should just escape for like a month, to somewhere no one knows us and we could be free from everyone." I mumbled. "I'd agree, but no one knows who I am. I really just wanna escape period." Mason shrugged agreeing with me.

"I will make Carter stop this car and kick you guys out if you don't shut up with all that negative stuff." Matthew joked.

"Pull into there." Matthew demanded. I did as told and noticed we were at a skate park.

We all walked inside and signed a paper thing.

"Mason you know how to skate board right?" Matthew asked. He shrugged, "never tried or had a skate board." he mumbled. I decided I could've taught him how, I was struggling because it was really hard.

"Do you need any help?" a worker asked. I smiled and nodded at her, "Well I'm Kelly and if there's little one's I teach them to board." she informed us. "I'm not little." Mason snapped.

She put on her forced smile, "Well you're below five eight and you can't skate so I think you're pretty little."

He had the look Maddi made when she's pissed about something and I almost couldn't find the difference between the two of them at the moment.

"Maybe he could get a guy teacher?" I asked. I didn't want for him to turn into Maddi because when she's mad you can't make the words that come out of her mouth stop.

"It's fine I could learn another day." Mason shrugged. "You sure?" I asked him. He nodded, "I don't think girl's should be here anyways." He scoffed.

We decided to just leave from here and go somewhere else.

We were at the mall now and there were a couple of fans. We were currently hiding in one of the stores, DEB I think. It was one of the closest ones.

"Hey, look at this." Matthew said. I turned around to see him wearing a lingerie. I laughed and took pictures. He's always the one who wears the girl stuff at times like this.

"Hey take that off unless you're going to buy it." one of the workers fussed. He laughed and took it off and put it back.

"How long do you think we have to hide in here?" I asked. They all shrugged, all four of us and another girl had been trapped here. She was also a fan, but she was a shopping fan that was minding her own.

"So I was having a party and if you guys wanted to come you should." she said nervously. "I mean you don't have to, but everyone would be happy if you did."

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