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• Maddi POV •

A bunch of screaming girls entered and seriously I would've had a panic attack if I was the only one in this room. "Just sit over there." Jacob said grabbing my hand and leading me towards this table.

I stood off to the side with Mason who wasn't acknowledging my existence. "Mason." I blurted. He rolled his eyes before looking at me. "What."

"You know I was only trying to keep you safe. You know why I got so mad also." I reminded him. He huffed and turned his body so he'd be facing me. "I know, but I was only trying to have fun for once. We never got to do this stuff at those homes and we were never as welcomed as these people make us feel." he replied.

I sighed, "They made you feel welcomed. They embarrassed me and I'm pretty sure all millions of their followers have already seen it."

"That's just what they do, Maddi, and wouldn't you want me to feel welcome more than anything?" he said, "Matthew called me his brother."

My eyes emotionally widened. Matthew shouldn't have done that. He really shouldn't have.

"Are you mad?" Mason asked me. I suppressed a tight fake smile and shook my head. I'm just affronted. "I'm glad you feel at home." I said. I actually for once was kind of glad he bonded with Matthew, but he didn't know it wasn't forever.

"Just know the things I do for you or to you comes out of love. I just don't want for you to get hurt." I said smiling a bit and he nodded.

We stood out of everyone's way and watched them do their things until Matthew ran over to us and grabbed my hand. "Dance time!" he yelled. I tried to pry myself away from his grasp and I guess he could tell I didn't want to dance from the look he received from me because he got closer to my ear and started speaking.

"You don't have to be embarrassed." he said, "Everyone looks like dumb asses up there." he assured. I shook my head and I looked at Mason who was staring at the two of us questioningly.

"It's just that I don't dance, but" I said dragging my but. "Mason obviously loves it." He gave me the you bitch look. I smiled and pushed him out there with everyone else.

It took him a while before he started dancing along with them and doing what he was doing earlier before I came. I could sense the Asian guy-Carter- staring at me. I looked over at him and he stopped dancing and rushed over to me.

Someone stopped the music once they saw him running to me and he said "Come dance with us."

I shook my head. "I don't dance." I said. "Come on, no one is going to make fun of you." he said. I looked around and all hundreds of those teenage girls were staring at me. I felt really awkward because I hated attention.

"I don't care. I don't wanna be humiliated even more than I've already been." I mumbled. Carter grabbed both of my hands. "I just want you to dance with me tonight." he sung. I heard a mixture of 'awes' and 'boos' but I didn't care. I just wanted for him to leave me alone. "Maddi needs help getting on the dance floor!" Mason yelled.

He earned a glare from me as did the rest of them.

Everyone started chanting 'MADDI' over and over again. "Maddi, Maddi, Maddi." Carter chanted in my ear. I looked at the crowd and they were all staring at me. I literally felt like I was gonna catch myself on fire because of how burnt my cheeks and ears were. Attention and myself doesn't add up. I felt like I was going to be sick.

I pried myself from Carter's grip and backed out of the area. I ran towards the exit and went to our room. Could this day seriously get any worse?

As soon as I entered I saw Mrs. Espinosa placing some things on one of the beds. Once she saw me she smiled.

"I did a little shopping."

I looked and she literally had a ton of bags. There was also a suit case... What the heck would I need that for?

"You didn't have to do that." I said walking closer to her. She shrugged, "I just saw all these clothes and thought these would look so cute on Maddi so I bought everything," she said. "No biggie."

"I feel so bad." I mumbled. "Don't sweetie. I love having a girl here. Matthew wouldn't ever let me buy him cute little shirts like these." she smiled holding up a shirt. It looked really pretty, it had like a laced layer then behind that layer was a lime green coloured background.

"Speaking of Matthew, why'd you come back so early? He said he wanted to take you guys with him to the meet greet." she said.

I was about to open my mouth to say it was nothing, but the door opened.

"Maddi, if we knew you were gonna get-" Matthew started saying, but he stopped speaking when he saw his mom and me standing over the bed. "-grossed out we wouldn't of had that burping contest." He covered.

"What did you do to her?" she asked. Then the door opened and you could hear two sets of feet walking in quickly. "I should've said something. I knew she doesn't like getting attention anymore." I heard Mason say. Him and Carter were about to get into a deeper conversation, but stopped once they saw us.

"What did y'all do to this poor girl?" Mrs. Espinosa asked in a more serious tone. I heard another set of panting and running because of how quiet it was.

"Damn you run fast!" it was Jacob and he was resting his hands on his knees.

"Shit." he mumbled. I looked at Mrs. Espinosa and she looked a mixture of pissed with worried. "You seriously should watch your mouth." She fussed.

"It's my fault. I just really hate when people stare at me. It's not a big deal." I said. "I need all you boys to leave." She said. "But I think I should stay because I'm family." Carter said.

"Out." she said pointing to the door. "Can I at least sit on the balcony and wait?" he asked. She shrugged and nodded, Jacob followed him out and she turned back to us giving the explain look.

"It was a dance battle." Matthew shrugged. "And?" she said, edging him on to finish. "I guess she got overwhelmed and ran, but it was Carter's fault." Matthew said covering himself. He wasn't lying though. It was Carter.

"It's not a big deal, I just got overwhelmed." I shrugged. "Alright, don't let it happen again." she said looking at Matthew. "These two are your responsibility Matt." she said. He rolled his eyes.

"Okay, mom." he said obnoxiously. I heard Mason trying to hold in his laugh, he ended up choking like always.

I looked at the balcony door and there was Carter rubbing his face down the glass. I tried suppressing my laugh in too. It wasn't really all that funny. I just laughed a bit because it was so unexpected.

"I'll see you guys for dinner." she said leaving.

Carter and Jacob came back in as she disappeared.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to get you in trouble." I mumbled. He shrugged. "It's not like that's new to me."

He came over to hug me and so did the rest of them. "Oh so they can hug you, but I can't!?" Mason exclaimed. I chuckled and he rolled his eyes playfully.

"She loves me more than she'll ever love you though." Carter said, and that earned him a smack to the face. In my opinion, saying things like that wasn't appropriate for orphans, he deserved that smack and it wasn't soft either.

"What the hell, Madeline?" he said. Mason started laughing. Carter glared at him holding his cheek. "Smack cam." Matthew shrugged, laughing also. I laughed too, not because I smacked him though.

"Why'd you call her Madeline?" Mason asked laughing. "Her name is just Maddi plain old Maddi." he added.

I nodded laughing with him. "Oh, I thought it was short for something, too." Matthew said.

"No, but I️ just need some air." I️ spoke before I️ left to the balcony.

That would happen a lot. Matthew and Mason have just learned to deal with it. I was so used to being alone and all.

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