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• Matthew POV •

"Matthew!" I heard someone yell. I got out of bed and went downstairs.

"What!?" I yelled back once I got in the room where everyone else was. My eyes widened once I saw the room.

"Happy Birthday!" they, Maddi, Mom, Mason, Sadie, and Carter, shouted.

The room was decorated with streamers and balloons and gift bags.

I didn't know what to say because I was expecting to wake up to nothing. Not really, but with temporarily new people in the family, that's how it goes.

"Open your first present then go change." Mom said. I grabbed the blue gift bag from my mom.

I smiled and opened it. "Wait here's the card." mom said.

-From Dad

I know I couldn't be here, but I will be back soon. Business is really thick now, but I'll see you soon son. Have a great day, I love you.

I smiled once the money fell out. Fifty dollars closer to my own place with Carter like we planned.

"What's it say?" Sadie asked. I smiled giving her the card.

I opened the gift bag and there was a ton of gift bag paper in it and at the bottom was the gift.

It was a black muscle t shirt with 'Matthew' printed on it in blue, that was rolled up and abother card.

-From Maddi

Thank you for accepting my brother and me. I'm happy to be with your family for as long as we can. Anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY.

"Wait that one's mine." Maddi said. I laughed, "duh." I teased. "Oh here's your dads." mom said holding up another blue bag.

"I always use the unnecessary extra amount of gift bag paper." Maddi laughed. "Well give me dads." I said holding out my hands.

"No I said one present then you go change. Once you come back down you can open your dads and I guess save the rest for after today." she said. I huffed and stood up.

"Alright, Maddi I'm going to wear this and I agree with what you wrote." I said walking back upstairs.

I put on the shirt Maddi got me, a pair of tan jeans, black vans with my beanie.

I brushed my teeth and went downstairs.

"Happy Birthday Matthew!"

I looked around and all the magcon boys were here.

"Whoa." I muttered. I felt like a little boy on Christmas day.

"Thank you guys." I smiled.

The day was just great you could say, I enjoyed having everyone here and at the last minute I'm sure of. The only thing really that was missing was my dad. I know he's been busy with work, but I haven't seen him in more than a few months.

"I'm going to go get some air." I told everyone. It was getting a bit stuffy inside so I stepped out. Plus I kind of needed some time to think.

I sat down on our patio out front and watched the cars go by. The door opened and I turned around to see Maddi.

She smiled, "Why did you leave?" she asked. I shrugged, "I need air." I said.

She shook her head as she sat down beside me. "What's wrong?" she asked. "Is it your dad?" she added. I shrugged, "I know he couldn't make it so I don't really care." I told her.

"It's okay to miss him Matthew, he'll be back." she said. I nodded because I knew that. I just felt bad because with Maddi, her parents won't ever be able to make it to her or Mason's birthday. "I know a lot of people don't wanna open up about how they feel to me because the whole death of my parents thing, but I'm just a normal person like everyone else, just without the parents. You can tell me I don't mind." She said.

I sighed, "I do miss him, but he'll be back." I told her. Even though when he gets back, we'll be on another magcon event. I would honestly love it if he were to come down, but in his eyes, all of that is 'time wasteful' so he doesn't care for it.

"Just think that everytime you miss him he'll be back. That's what I used to do." she said. I crinkled my eyes, "I mean after the accident, I used to pretened my dad was just on a really long business trip even though that wasn't in his field of work and for my mom I used to pretend she was out of town with her friends." she told me. I frowned because that was actually so sad.

I really want to know how they died, I just don't want to push it with her, but she's openly having this conversation with me.

"Are you going to go back inside with your friends?" she asked. I shrugged, I wonder why Jacob didn't come, he was invited and him and Maddi have this thing together.

"Thank you for that." I said hugging her. She hugged back instantly. "I really love hugs." she told me. I smiled and hugged her tighter.

"Since you guys will be here for a while, could we just pretend to be siblings or something?" I asked cautiously. She shrugged, "I actually wouldn't mind that." she shrugged. "I've always wanted an older sister, but I guess you'll have to do." she teased.

"I've always wanted a younger brother and sister." I smiled. We stood up and I wrapped my arms around her shoulder and she wrapped hers around my torso and we walked inside.

"Matthew." Sadie smiled.

"I'll leave you guys alone." Maddi smiled walking away.

"How's your birthday?" she asked. "Good." I said.


We all were sitting in the living room with pallets covering the floor and we just talked and laughed about nothing.

My dad had got me a new phone, my mom had got me a video camera, and forwards the rest of the gifts, I got beanies, money, shirts, or vans.

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