
13.9K 324 35

• Maddi POV •

"Get up. I swear we're always waking you up!"

I rolled over ignoring them. I felt someone grabbing my feet. "You're ticklish, right?" I heard Carter ask. I tightened my eyes shut. "Don't touch my feet." I mumbled. I started going back to sleep when he let go. "We just wanted to tell you that we're going to the mall." Mason said. "And if you don't get up we're going to put a bug in your mouth." he added.

"Yeah. I totally believe that." I snapped. "Go away I'm trying to sleep."

"We wanted to go out as a fam- as friends." Matthew said. I rolled over thinking there'd be more bed, there wasn't. I fell off taking the cover with me. I reached out to grab something to keep myself from falling hard.

Not only did pillows and the cover fall with me, but so did Carter.

"Ow." I mumbled. He fell right on top of me and he didn't get up right away. We were so close to each other. "Carter." I said, He was looking down. "Huh?" he responded. I looked up before speaking. "Can you get up." I asked. His cheeks turned a bright pink. It stuck out a lot too because he was so pale.

"Yeah. Sorry." he mumbled getting off. I rubbed my back. "Did I crush you?" he asked cautiously. I looked down after I stood up. "No, but you're really boney." I mumbled. "I'm hurting. I'm gonna go back to bed." I graoned laying down.

Matthew and Mason stopped laughing. I guess I didn't realize they were laughing. I could've sworn Carter and I were the only two in this room at the moment.

"It's one in the afternoon. You didn't make us breakfast and we wanna go hang out at the mall today with you. Come on." Mason said. "I'm sorry, but I'm really tired." I complained. He groaned loud and obnoxiously. "We can do it another time." I snapped.

Mason rolled his eyes and walked away. I responded by rolling my eyes too and laying back down. "You went to sleep early last night. Literally you fell asleep on the table and we drug you to the bed. You slept all morning and kind of all week. Mason and I just wanted to spend some time with you." Matthew said.

"Me too." Carter added. I glared at them. "Just come. I'll buy you ice cream with any toppings and flavors." Matthew said. I sighed, "Actually Maddi, You're coming. You don't have a choice. I'll kill myself if you don't." Mason said coming back around.

I was gonna go. Not because of that, it did scare me a bit at how fluent that came out and how serious he sounded. I hated when he jokes around like this. I, frankly, do not find any of it humorous.

"Chill. I was going to join. Just give me thirty minutes to get ready." I said.


"I'm glad that you came." Mason said. I shrugged and continued eating off of his ice cream. "You went a little too far." I scolded. He crinkled his eyebrows. "What? How?" he jumped. "Don't ever again say you'll kill yourself." I fussed.

He looked away and down breaking our eye contact. Carter and Matthew came back over to us.

"We're gonna head back in a bit." Carter said. "What's wrong Mason?" Matthew asked. "I don't feel good." he lied. I knew he was lying. It's like a sixth sense for me. I can read people basically. I understand if they're lying, hiding something, embarrassed, or humiliated. I could sense it a lot from a lot of people I'm around.

"We should leave now, then." Matthew said. I shrugged and we left.

"Today was boring. When we get back to Virginia, we'll go somewhere else that's fun." Matthew said.

I nodded and went to the bathroom.

I didn't use it or anything. I just needed a good look at myself. I tried suppressing a real smile, no matter what, it might just be a permanent thing for me to always be sad.

I shrugged it off and started back to the bedding part. I heard talking, why not eavesdrop?

"What happened?" Matthew asked Mason. Mason shrugged, "She just got mad because I joked about killing myself." he mumbled. He still looked sad and angry. "Did she tell you what to do again?" Matthew asked.

He nodded. "She's really bossy. Everything has to go her way or none at all." he added. I shook my head and kept listening.

"You don't always have to do what she does. You're your own person." Carter said coming back into the room with a bag of chips. "She doesn't mean too. It's just the way we were raised. She's just trying to look out for me." he defended. I rolled my eyes.

I came out the bathroom and they all stared at me. I shrugged and walked to the couch.



I hit 1K whoop whoop.! who's got the cake and shit.?

haha anyways. Short chapter so sorry but it was literally like 12:33am when I wrote this

Anyways... next chapter I think will be short too but who knows. I'll actually try really hard since I hit 1k.

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