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• Maddi POV •

I had a really great time yesterday, but I know it wouldn't be forever thing. Mrs. Espinosa makes Mason and I feel so welcome, I just wished she would be less affectionate because her and I know Mason and I aren't here forever. It was the deal. We'd stay with her family until someone would adopt us. Someone that comes from a good family and wants siblings.

Like this one. I envy it so much. For six years straight I've yearned for an actual family like this one. Matthew may be the last child to live with his parents and his dad may not always be around, but when he comes Mrs. Espinosa and Matthew are excited to see him. He works for some company that travels a lot so he's barely around. Matthew's two older brother's and older sister are moved out and when they visited they all looked like one happy family.

Mason loves it here also and I wish he wouldn't. I have no idea how I'm going to tell him that we can't stay here forever.

"Maddi do you want to come?" Matthew asked snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him. "Come where?" I asked. "Well, there's only two more days left for Magcon and Bart wanted to take us somewhere special." He answered.

"I don't know." I said quietly, "Just come. We never hang out anymore." Carter said. I laughed, "We just met and almost every day I've been in this hotel you've been here too." I pointed out. "Just come. Bart invited you and Mason." Carter said. "Hayes will be there for Mason and Jacob will be there for you." Matthew said.

"Or you can hang out with us." Carter said. I shrugged, "I'll go if Mason wants to go." I said.


Mason, the rest of the magcon boys, and I was all waiting outside of the hotel for our transportation. "You know where we're going right?" Jacob asked. I shrugged. "I'm only here for Mason." I shrugged. Jacob smiled, but I could tell it was fake.

A couple more minutes of waiting, a black limo pulled up. I furrowed my eyebrows, looking to Matthew. He showed me a goofy smile and the guys started piling into the car. I got in the car and sat beside Mason with Jacob on the other side.

The car ride was seriously crazy. All I heard was screaming and all I saw was dancing. Within an hour we're going to be at our destination and almost everyone, surprisingly, went to sleep. The only people that were awake was Carter and Jacob. I was leaning against Jacob's shoulder, I could feel him slowly falling asleep though.

"He's out of it." Carter said laughing. I looked up at him and his head was laid back and it looked highly uncomfortable.

I chuckled and Carter smiled at me. "Are y'all like a thing?" he asked me. I shook my head no. I didn't think we are. I don't have a thing for him and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have a thing for me either. He's just a good kisser to me and I'm pretty sure it's vice versa for him. We've only kissed like twice and he likes cuddling.

"Can I ask you something without sounding like a dick?" he asked me.

Literally, I'm gonna negotiate with myself whether it's a good idea or not to let him.

"You don't have to answer. Please, I'll let you ask me something." he pleaded.

Maybe it wouldn't be that bad, he just wanted to talk and make conversation.

"Okay." I said shrugging. His face lit up and he smiled. "Okay. I don't know what to ask now. I didn't think I'd get that far." he said chuckling. I smiled fauxly at him.

"How about we play twenty-one questions instead," he suggested. I looked at the ground and furrowed my eyebrows. "You know when you take turns asking each other questions." he explained. I shrugged. I'm sure there's not twenty-one questions he wants to know about me.

"Okay, you go first." I said. He looked around probably in his thoughts.

"What's your favourite food?" he asked. I shrugged I don't really have one. "I don't have one." I spoke. "You?" I asked.

"Wait, how does one not have a favourite food?" he asked. I laughed from how he worded that. "I never took an interest in it. I take whatever I get." I shrugged.

"Why is that? I think everyone should get like some type of option of their favourite food." he told me. I shrugged, "I guess before my parents departed, I used to love meat loaf." I shrugged. He made a nauseous face, but then it softened.

"I'm sorry about your parents." he said. I shrugged, "I'm fine." I lied. "Can I ask you that question now?" he asked cautiously. I nodded slowly.

"Why are you and your brother staying with Matt?" he asked. I pushed my mouth to the side before answering. "We have no where to live. We've gone years in and out of different foster homes and no one wanted to keep us. Mrs. Espinosa is keeping us until they find us a home." I shrugged. "So that means this is not permanent?" he asked.

I looked over at Mason, he had who I'm guessing was Matthew's ear buds in his ears and he was sleeping. I could hear the music from beside me so he couldn't hear if he were to be awake.

"No." I answered. He gave a sympathetic face. "When are you leaving? If they can't find a home, what would happen?" he asked. I thought about that for a while. I never really thought we wouldn't have a place to go until he brought it up.

"You don't have to answer it." he mumbled. I shook my head, "It's fine. No, um. We have two or three months until our time is up and then we get sent back, he does anyways. I have to go somewhere else." I said. He looked so hurt, "Are you going to let that happen?" he questioned.

I shook my head, "No, I refuse to get separated from the only family I have left. In two years I'll be eighteen anyways. If we're still in foster care then I'll adopt him myself." I shrugged.

He smiled, "You're a really good sister, he's lucky to have you." he said. I smiled back.

"Are you two going to kiss now?" Matthew asked opening his eyes. Carter rolled his eyes and I felt my ear tips heating up again. I felt Jacob snake his arms around my waist pulling me closer into him. "No." he answered sharply.

We ended up going to a skating rink. I remember the last time I went skating. I couldn't find my mom and I got knocked down. It hurt so bad, but the man who fell on me bought me a soda and ice.

I currently was sitting at one of the booths drinking a soda. It reminded me of last time. Everyone was sitting around me questioningly and constantly asking if I were okay.

"Can I sit with you?" Carter asked walking towards me with his skates in his hands. I shrugged, I actually really liked talking to him. He'd be a really great friend to someone.

He sat down, I noticed his face was red. "I hate skating." he said. I nodded, "Same." I shrugged. "I can't skate." we said in unison. I laughed. "I mean, I haven't been skating in probably seven or eight years." I shrugged. "So I doubt I'm any good at skating." I added.

"I just don't skate period. I think Bart did this on purpose." he muttered. I laughed. "We never really finished our game from in the limo." he smiled. I laughed, "You're right." I replied.


In this (I know Carter lives in North Carolina, but in this he lives in Virginia)

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