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Three days later

• Maddi POV •

Carter had started to speak with me again, but it probably meant nothing.

I had this art project he said I could use him for, which required myself in need of a place to paint. I was going to use his back just to be creative and take a picture then show my teacher.

"That's cold." he said squirming around. "Stop moving or I'll sit on you." I threatened. "You say it like I won't enjoy that." he said. I laughed and kept painting his back. It was like a finger painting thing so he was laying down and I was kneeled beside him.

He started moving around so I sat on his back. "You're fat." he complained. I dipped my index finger in the yellow paint to make little lightning bugs and started jabbing his back roughly, it reminding me when we went to the top of the hotel building at one of the Magcon events.

"Ow!" he whined. I laughed and did it harder. He rolled over, there was a sheet underneath him so it wouldn't stain his carpet, and I fell to the side. He grabbed my finger and hovered over me. He forced my finger into my face and I laughed and screamed at the same time.

"You're wasting my paint!" I fussed as he kept doing it. I used one of my hands and pinched his nipple

-I wanna pinch his nipple... I have a fettish for nip nips if no one has noticed...lol

and he winced while rolling back over. I laughed and he grabbed my arm and yanked me on top of him. "I like this position." he smirked. I scoffed and smacked his chest.

"Perv." I said, even though I enjoyed being on top of him.

"but you like it." he shrugged. I laughed, I did like it as much as I complained about it. "admit it, I make your panties wet."

I gasped and laughed loudly. "I can feel it." he said laughing." Shut up, Carter, really gross!" I shouted. I couldn't stop laughing, it was just that, that was so unexpected.

He just laid underneath me while watching me laugh. After I stopped he leant up and kissed my cheek. I leant down and kissed his cheek back.

He smiled shyly at me before leaning up again. Neither of us dared to move.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and slammed my lips into his. He gripped my thighs and kissed back. I grinded myself into him and kissed him roughly, I'd say I was a little too desperate for this too happen.

"Carter." I heard someone say. That scared me and I accidentally bit his lip causing him to push me off. We looked up to see Matthew.

"Now we're even." he smirked. Carter got up and walked out with Matthew just like that. I noticed the paint on his back was ruined from all the moving he did and from when we just kissed.

I sighed and sat up, sitting on my knees. I looked down at my hands and groaned lowly, there was the little print from his back on my hand. Perhaps I could turn that in to my teacher instead.

I decided to just leave because I didn't know what else to do. I walked out the house to see Carter and Matthew in the car waiting. "About time, come on." Matthew said.

I got in the back seat and saw Hayes and Mason.

"Uh?" I questioned." School doesn't start in North Carolina yet." Hayes informed me. I mouth an o and got in.

Carter didn't say anything to me the whole trip. Which made me feel like shit obviously. When we got back Mason, Hayes, and I got out and went in. I texted Sadie and asked her to come over so I could explain to her what happened.

"So he just left like that and didn't say anything else?" she asked, I nodded. "You did bite his lip." she reminded me.

"I have a totally unrelated question to ask." I changed the subject. "Go on." Sadie told me. "Why does Sawyer still hang out with us at school and not her old friends?" I questioned. She shrugged, "All her friends are in Indiana, she moved remember."

"That makes more sense now." I said.

She just shrugged and we walked back out. Hayes was texting someone with the biggest smile in the world.

"Who are you texting?" Sadie asked. "His girlfriend." Mason chimed. Sadie gasped and pretended to be hurt. "I thought I was your girlfriend."

"So did I, turns out you were cheating on me with Matt." he joked.


short again haha. but what do you think will happen next...?

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