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• Maddi POV •

"This is Sawyer." she said.

"Hi Maddi." she said to me. I smiled, but it was one of those trying to figure out the situation smiles.

"Well since you guys seemed to click greatly, we'll be on our way." Laura spoke. I nodded still looking at Sawyer.

It was weird that she was here and smiling at me because I remember her calling me a bitch for waving at her. After they exited I expected for her to be glaring at me or calling me a bitch again.

"You're Maddi right?" she asked. I nodded, "Like my mom said, I'm Sawyer." she added.

"You're really pretty and so is your hair." she said. Why is she acting like she doesn't remember me? I also had terrible hair.

"Alright guys we have to go get Hayes." Matthew said. "Oh there's another girl here. Wait, where's my mom?" He added.

"I'm Sawyer and she left with my mom." She answered him. Sadie got up from the couch and we all got ready. "Maddi!" I heard Carter call. "Yeah?" I asked. "Don't do your hair yet!" he fussed. "too late." I laughed.

"Hey." he said looking at Sawyer. "Hi, I'm Sawyer." she smiled. We all knew who she was. "I know, we already met." Carter said, he looked between Sawyer and me with a confused look. He seemed just as confused as I was.

"I don't think so, I would remember and considering I don't, we've never met." Sawyer shrugged. She was definitely full of shit.

"Let's go." Mason said, he sounded like he was about to start complaining if we didn't. Sawyer laughed and followed him out the car.

"She's full of shit." Carter laughed, we were the only ones left in the house. I nodded, I did agree with him.


"Hello there, my name is Mrs. Ice how may I help you?" a lady asked. We walked through the airport for about ten minutes before stopping at their gift shop to find Hayes. "You're name is Mrs. Ice?" Sadie asked and the woman nodded.

"Is a little kid named Hayes arrived?" Matthew asked trying to be professional. "Can I get a brief description?" she asked. "That didn't even make any sense." Sawyer mumbled referring to Matthew.

"I'm pretty sure she understood what I meant." Matthew shrugged.

"You have a husband named Mr. Ice?" Sadie asked, ignoring Matthew and the woman nodded again. "Tall boy that looks too old for thirteen and he has curly brown hair and pretty green eyes." Matthew answered. "Blue idiot." Carter laughed.

"I'll get someone to check security." she said walking away. She came back with a man and I noticed she was pregnant, I looked at Sadie and her face seemed to literally light up.

"You're pregnant and going to have a baby?" Sadie asked her. "Yeah, that's how pregnancy works, sweetie." she smiled, I could sense that she was starting to get aggravated with us. "I'm sixteen." Sadie informed. "Oh, yeah, he came in here about an hour ago." The man said.

"So when you have your baby, it would be Ice ice baby?" Sadie stated. We all started laughing. "I guess." the lady said.

She wasn't being rude or anything she was answering it with an accurate attitude.

"He went to McDonald's." he said. We nodded and left.

"Sadie you and that name tag." Matthew said. She shrugged. "I thought it was cool that they're gonna have an Ice ice baby." she said. "I don't think Mrs. Ice would agree it to be funny." Matthew told her. She gave him a shut the fuck up look. "You need to learn how to speak, man." Sadie chuckled.

I had saw Hayes and Carter apparently did, too. "Found him!" He yelled, scaring everyone. Hayes spotted us and we walked back to the car and grabbed food before heading back to Matthew's house.


Short chapter... sorryyy haha but yeah vote and comment ideas!

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