In the Beginning There was Water

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Blinking up into the overcast black sky, the rain pattering against my skin, I tried to come up with a logical reason for being outside, in the middle of the night, during a rainstorm. Drawing blanks, I eventually pulled myself into a sitting position and tried to pick out any possible shelters from the rain. Spotting a relatively tall tree, I scurried in under it and curled into the smallest possible shape to avoid getting any wetter. Out of nowhere, I heard a loud snapping noise. Looking up quickly, I spotted a dark shape falling out of the tree with a loud yelp. I squeaked and scrambled out of the way as quickly as possible. With a loud thump, the person landed in the wet grass in front of me and groaned as it rolled over, whacking me in the face with an arm.

"Ow!" I whined, shoving the arm back. "That hurt!"
"Maybe, you shouldn't lie under where I'm sleeping..." He responded.
"Well then, maybe you shouldn't be sleeping in a tree!" I retorted, pouting at him. "Hold on. Lexie?"
"Um, who is that? And who are you? And who am I? And WHERE THE DUCK ARE WE!? oh, and I'm hungry..." He rattled off, one minute confused, the next freaking out, then...well...hungry...

I stared at him for, like, five seconds before his stomach confirmed what he had just said, and I laughed loudly.
"Dude, you're Lexie, cause I thought it was funny and cause your full name is Alexander, and you know dang well who I am and I don't know and me too," I quirked an eyebrow at him then. "Did you hit your head or-oh right, fell out of a tree."
"I can't remember anything... You say I'm Alexander, and no one is disputing that, so that must be my name... Who are you?" he tipped his head to the side, water dripping down his face.
"Caitlin. You and my bro are best buds, and we hang out sometimes too, but then you went away and - HOLD ON, YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE IN SCOTLAND!" I pointed an accusatory finger at him, me now on my feet and shouting.
"Where's that?" he still looked confused.
"Um...from here? No idea," I shrugged. "Now, important stuff first. It's cold and wet and raining..."

I put my hand out to catch a little raindrop, and as it fell, I did this weird little wavy thing. The water around my hand moved a little, and I paused to stare at my hand, then back at Alex. "Did you see that?" I questioned, pointing at my hand with the other.
"Nope. What?" he had been looking around the small clearing, trying to find something to jog his memory. "Do it again. I wasn't watching..."
"I just made the water move! Watch!" I did the random hand thing again, and the water moved again, twisting and twirling around my hand. "THAT'S SO FREAKING COOL! I'M A FREAKING WATERBENDER! Wait, what?" I stared at my hand again and tried to remember whatever it was I had been doing before I woke up in the rain.
"Um, you're nuts, that's what you are..." Alexander had one eyebrow raised. "But, tell you what..." he leaned in and whispered in my ear, "Only the best people are..."
"Well, glad to know you're back to normal...kinda..." Then it hit me. "I was watching Avatar before I went to bed! This is just a weird dream...." Actually, the more I thought about it, the more I realised that that couldn't possibly be right. It was really painful when Alex hit me in the face; in fact, I could still feel the sting, and you can't usually feel pain in dreams. "DANG IT!" I shouted, startling Alex.
"I wouldn't make too much noise..." Alex whispered, still close. "There are eyes in the trees... Don't turn around..."
I blinked at him for a moment before whispering back. "Ok, but if anyone asks, my name is Amaya, Ok?"
"Right... shh... Imma take a closer look. Move slowly if you have to," Lexie moved to a crouching position, and kinda crab crawled to the edge of the clearing. Then something jumped out of the forest, landing on top of him, its teeth bared.

The creature was some kind of mini puma, its claws out and jaws snapping inches from Alex's scared face. In a panicky moment, he threw up his hand, punching wildly at the black cat-like creature as it snarled at him. One of his fists seemed to catch on fire as he swung it at the creature, which made a scared little noise as it jumped off and away, its fur singed. It snarled at him, and I jumped forward, doing the wavy thing again, only with much bigger arm movements, and managed to get some sort of swirl effect that made the puma-thing snarl before it turned and ran away. Flopping down, I looked up at the now rainless sky.

"You ok?" I ask, glancing at him, panting slightly from fear.
"Probably..." Alex sat up slowly. "Told you there were eyes in the trees..." he collapsed again.
"Well, goodie for you," I threw myself back flat on the grass. I turned my head and stared at his clothes for a moment before I remembered something. "YOU WERE FIREBENDING!" I was leaning over his face staring at him with wide eyes, him staring back in mild surprise, but it was slightly unfocused. "And you have dressed in Fire Nation clothes...that thingy there..." I pointed at a symbol on his shoulder. "That's the emblem for the Fire Nation..." All the pieces clicked into place. "We're in the Avatar-verse!"
"What?" Alex was in shock. "That cartoon I used to watch on Saturday mornings?"
"Yes! That thing! With Aang and Katara and Sokka and Zuko and stuff!" I said excitedly before settling down and sitting back on my heels. "How'd we get here? And I look dang fine in this getup." 

I jumped to my feet and did a little twirl, my blue clothes similar to Korra's outfit, but with less fur and bluer. Or something like that. Something I noticed with a bemused grin was that my hair was still blonde. "There's no way anyone would believe I was a Waterbender at first glance. Heck, they wouldn't know what I was!"

Alex struggled to stand. He placed a hand to his head, but it came away sticky. "Yeah. You... water... Right..." He collapsed again, sinking into the unconscious.
"Oh, my Rowling! That's bad!" I did a little dance in place, my eyes darting all over the place, looking for something or someone to help. "Argh, stay right there! Don't tell anyone your real name, and I'll see if I can find help because I have no idea how to do that healing thingy that Katara does." I realised I was yelling at an unconscious person, who probably wouldn't remember anything when he woke up, but it was all I could think of doing at that present moment in time. Next, I picked a direction and darted off to find someone, slipping in the mud here and there as I went. As an afterthought, I wondered if we were far enough in for her even to be able to do the healing thingy... "DAMNIT!"

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