In a cave...

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"So you were upset that you were the Avatar?" Katara asked, slightly confused. "Why wouldn't you be excited about it?"
"Somehow, I don't see you running away because of that," I said, giving him a look that meant I knew there was more.
"Well...I didn't know how to feel about it. And you're right, I didn't run away because of that." Aang hugged his knees closer to his chest. "All I knew was that after I found out, everything began changing..."

Aang described how his friends stopped playing with him, believing that whoever's team he was on would have an unfair advantage over the other team. He told us how the elders tried to work him harder to prepare him for the coming war. Because he was the Avatar, they had extremely high expectations. Through it, though, he had Master Gyatso, who would play Pai Sho with him and various other pranks. Aang paused again.
"Take your time, Aang," I said kindly. "It's always hard to get these things off your chest."
Aang gave me a grateful smile and took a deep breath.

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