Near a little boat at the harbor...

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"Sokka...maybe this isn't such a good idea." Aang says concern on his face as he looked at the rapidly darkening sky. "Look at the sky!"
"I said I was going to do this job," Sokka said, his voice holding just a hint of apprehension. "I can't back out just because of some bad weather."
"Sokka, keep your head in and get back safe. That storm is gonna get violent," I say. "Don't make us have to come to rescue you. You are our Ohana, after all."
"The boy with the tattoos has some sense. The pretty one does too." The old lady called out to her husband. Wait, pretty one? It's the hair, isn't it... "You should listen to them!"
"Boy with tattoos?" The old man pauses, turning to face us with a quizzical look on his face. His face darkens as he faces us. "Airbender tattoos." He growls. "Well, I'll be a hog monkey's uncle. You're the Avatar, ain't ya?"

"That's right!" Katara says, grinning. Aang smiles a little too.
"Well, don't be so smiley about it!" The old man snaps. "The Avatar disappeared for 100 years!" He jabs Aang in the chest with a gnarled finger. "You turned your back on the world!"
"Don't yell at him!" Katara yells, stepping in to defend Aang.
"Back off, old-timer!" I growl dangerously. Lucky for me, I'm tall enough that I can sort of tower over the old geezer. "Aang wouldn't turn his back on others; it's just not him."
"Oh, he wouldn't, huh?" The old man says thoughtfully, stroking his messy beard. "Then I must have imagined the last 100 years of war and suffering."

Every word this old-timer was saying was cutting straight into Aang. I could see it. His eyes were wide, a small frown on his lips and his shoulders sagging.
"Aang is one of the bravest people I know!" Katara retorted, stepping between Aang and the old man. "He has done nothing but help people and save lives since I met him!"

Aang started to back up until he bumped into me. "Hey, you alright, Lil bro?" I ask, my eyes filled with worry as I put my hands on his shoulders.
"It's not his fault he disappeared! Right Aang?" Katara turned to face him, and that's when I knew she said something that had upset the little monk. His face seemed to crumple in on itself, and he slipped out of my grip to dart away. "Aang? What's wrong?"

He turned and opened his glider before flying away into the mountains. "Aang! Wait!" I call after him, running over to Appa and grabbing his reins.
"That's right! Keep flying!" The old man sneered.
"You're a horrible old man!" Katara yells, running behind me. She grabs my hand, and I pull her up onto Appa, and we go to chase after the obviously frightened little kid. Not the Avatar. "Appa, yip yip!" I call out.

The heavy clouds were beginning to unleash great drops as we soared through the sky, looking for the glider and monk. Katara moved closer as the rain got heavier, but even her waterbending couldn't save us from the torrential rain. I pulled a tarp out from the equipment and threw it over us, cuddling close to stay dry. We spent some time flying through the rain, trying to catch a glimpse of our little orange monk friend, when Katara pointed out a cave. "He's probably in there!" She called out over the loud wind and pouring rain.
"Can't hurt to look, and it's shelter. Appa is getting tired too." I called back.
Appa roared in agreement, and we headed for the cave. We stepped in, and I shook off some water like a dog before I noticed Aang sitting dejectedly further in.

"I'm sorry for running away." He mumbled sadly. It sounded like he was about to cry.
"It's ok," Katara said gently, following me in.
"That guy was an ass anyway, bro. Don't let him get to you," I put a hand on Aang's shoulder and sat beside him. "Fire Nation people get shiz like that all the time. Even the ones who got nothing to do with the war. Like me... "
"Yeah," Katara said, coming to his other side. "That fisherman was waaay outta line."
"Actually, he wasn't..."

"What do you mean?" Katara asked, standing just behind us.
"I don't wanna talk about it." His voice trembled, and I could almost see the tears in his eyes.
I  lifted my hand from his shoulder a moment, then pulled him closer to me in a bro side hug. "Is this about a hundred years ago? When they say you disappeared?"
"And your dream, right?" Katara crouched in front of us. "Talk to us."
Aang sniffled slightly and looked up at Katara from my chest. "Well... it's kind of a long story."
"We've got time," I assure him, patting his shoulder. "Just let me get a fire going before Katara, and I freeze to death."

A loud growl startled us all, and we turned to see a dripping Appa come in. Appa licked Aang affectionately, and while me and Katara worked on getting some fuel for the fire, I quickly started. Aang gently rubbed Appa's chin.


Once we got it going, Aang sat with Momo in his lap, opposite Katara. I sat between them both, rolling out my shoulders and popping my stiff joints. "I'll never forget the day the monks told me I was the Avatar." Aang started. We all settled in for a long story, and throughout it all, Aang's face remained impassive. He bowed his head, and we respected his need to gather his thoughts.

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