In the armory...

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Sokka was sitting in a crouch, with a whetstone in one hand and his boomerang in the other. He was still sort of sulking, but then again, he was also still upset about Hahn's treatment of Princess Yue.

"Is something wrong, Sokka?" I hadn't even noticed the Chief enter and actually jumped out of my seat and accidentally bumped a few of the tools we'd sharpened, which clattered to the floor.

"Oh no," Sokka responded sarcastically. "Hahn's is out there on the top-secret mission while I'm here sharpening my boomerang. Everything's fine."

"Listen to me," Chief Arnook said pleadingly. "I took you both of the mission for selfish reasons. I have a special task in mind for you both."

Sokka threw a distrustful glare over his shoulder. Which, granted, was fair since the last time someone said that we ended up mugging a helpless old man.

"What, you want me to scrub the barracks?" He questioned sharply.

"It's not shovelling Appa poop, is it?" I whined at him. "It's a crappy job... Uh, no pun intended..."

"I want you to guard my daughter," he said gently. "Princess Yue."

Sokka stood up, clearly placated but trying not to seem too eager. "Erm, sure... That shouldn't be too hard."

Once the Chief left, I smirked at Sokka. "Smooth, bro."

"Shaddup," he grumbled, pretending to ignore me.

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