After traveling for some time...

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Sitting at our camp near a beach, a big green fish jumped out of the water and started doing flips and stuff. It was pretty funny but kinda obvious that the fish was taunting us. I didn't particularly care since my thoughts were elsewhere. I had finally figured out where Amaya was, but getting to her would be very difficult.
"You are so gonna be dinner!" Sokka shouted. He grabbed a fishing pole and started swinging it, only to find it lacked a fishing line. "Hey, where's the fishing line?"
"Oh..." Aang responds. I glance over to see what he had been working so intently on. "I didn't think you would need it, Sokka." He held up a rather pretty necklace.
"Can I make a spear? Do we have any rubber bands?" I ask. "How about some twine and a flexible stick? I could make a bow... Or crossbow..."

"What?" But then Sokka saw the necklace. "Gah, it's all tangled!"
"You guys ask me that a lot...." I say back to him...
"Not tangled. Woven." Aang corrects, coming to his feet. "I made you a necklace, Katara." Aang becomes bashful as he holds it out to her. Well, how about that. "I thought since you lost your other one..." He grins hugely and holds it up.
Katara smiles and walks up to Aang, taking the necklace from him. "Thanks, Aang! I love it!"
"Great, Aang!" Sokka says sarcastically. "Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewellery business."
"I don't see why I can't do both?" Aang questions, shrugging with his usual grin. Sokka gives him a dull look before throwing the fishing pole like a spear at the fish. It missed, of course.
"STOP TAUNTING ME!" He yells, pulling out his knife and chasing after the fish into the water.

"So? How do I look?" Aang and I turn to see Katara posing with the necklace. Aang's expression is priceless.
"You mean all of you or just your neck?" Aang says hurriedly. "I mean, cause both look great!"
"Smooth Aang," I say, clapping him on the back.
"Smoochy smoochy!" Sokka calls, holding the fish in his arms. "Someone's in love~!" The fish slaps Sokka upside the head as it makes its escape.
"I...well..." Aang stutters.
"Stop teasing him, Sokka," Katara responds in a serious tone before smiling and putting a hand on Aang's head. "Aang's just a good friend. A sweet little guy. Just like Momo!" Ouch ...friendzone...
"Thanks..." Aang says weakly.

The next thing we hear is some messed up noises coming from up ahead. "Someone's being attacked by a platypus bear!" Aang called from atop a rock.

Indeed they were. Weird looking critter... The guy just stood there smiling up at it. Every time it tried to attack the guy, he would duck and weave out of the way.
"Well! Hello there." The man said cheerfully as we come running from behind the bear. It swipes at him and smiles as he sidesteps it. "Nice day, isn't it?"
"Make noise! It'll run off!" Aang shouts.
"No! Play dead. He'll lose interest!" Sokka shouts too.
"Whoa! Close one!" The man says cheerfully, dodging another swipe. And starts chuckling. Imagine that.
"Run downhill!" Katara adds her own helpful advice. "Then climb a tree!"
"No! Punch him in the bill!" Sokka, trying to help the guy survive, not get eaten faster...
"Then run in zigzags!" Aang adds.
"Or we could jump in and help...." I say, cupping a small fire in my hand.
"No need." The man says cheerfully. "It's going to be fine." The bear swipes at him, and he spins while ducking. Nice one!
"He needs to sort out his priorities...."

Aang seems to agree as he leaps into action. Aang blasts up some sand and stands between the bear and the man. "Whoa there!" He puts his hands up in a pacifying stance. The bear roars louder and prepares to chomp down on Aang when Appa appears behind it and roars. It literally lay an egg before running away scared.

Sokka picked it up happily. "Mm! Lunch!" He sniffed it before turning to the traveller. "Lucky for you, we came along!"
"Thanks!" The man said cheerfully, spinning back to his feet. "But everything was already under control. Not to worry." He walked towards us, smiling in a friendly manner. "Aunt Wu predicted that I would have a safe journey."

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