Back at the Abbey...

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After finding something I could actually eat that didn't smell foul, I spent a part of the morning talking to the various women in this place. They were all very nice, and one of them even gave me a tour of the place. She was a very grandmotherly kind of woman, and we chatted away over various things for some time. Eventually, Bato and the others came to fetch me as we went for a walk down to the beach again.

"This ship is sentimental to me," Bato explained calmly. "It was built by my father."

Aang wanders around to the other side of the ship, and I turn to look at the ship in detail. It was a bit scuffed but was still a beautiful boat.
"Is this the boat he took you ice-dodging in?" Sokka questioned, childlike wonder in his eyes.
"Yup. It's got the scar to prove it." Bato says proudly. "How about you, Sokka? You must have some good stories from your first time ice-dodging."
Sokka turns to face us, his face sad. Katara gives him a sympathetic look. "He never got to go. Dad left before he was old enough."
"Oh, I forgot, you were too young," Bato said, clearly saddened by this.
"What's ice-dodging?" Aang questions.
"I was just gonna ask that," I say, a small grin in Aang's direction.

"It's a rite of passage for young water tribe members," Bato explained. "When you turn 14, your dad takes you-" Bato looks at Sokka, who has his eyes downcast and expression sad. "You know what?" Bato puts a hand on Sokka's shoulder. "You're about to find out."

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