Far, Far away...around the same time...

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"That was quite the sneeze," Iroh commented. "Someone must be talking about you."

"Mogui," I mumbled, rubbing my nose. "Wish he wouldn't...."

"That's a silly superstition," Zuko scoffed before sipping his tea slowly.

"Superstitions are usually based on facts, Zuko," I responded with a chuckle, sipping my own tea.

"Indeed," Iroh added, also sipping his tea.

"Well," I said, setting down my cup. "Aren't we quaint?"

Iroh chuckled while Zuko rolled his eyes.

"Will you be joining us for music night?" Iroh asked us.


"Why not?"


"No, I was saying why not, as in why not join, for me."
I poked my tongue out in a childish gesture at Zuko, who rolled his eyes at me.

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