Dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun, dada dun dun...

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It turns out, waterbending would've taken too long. Instead, I used it to propel us up the long tunnel, and when we reached the top, we were gasping for air again. Zuko had one arm around my waist, keeping me close so I could waterbend us along. I can't believe I didn't think of doing this sooner. This way, he could also keep me warm so I didn't pass out again. Zuko took a deep breath while I tried to catch mine and dunked down to look around. He came back up and took several more deep breaths.
"There's another tunnel," he said.
"Ugh, this was the worst idea," I grumbled. "Stupid Amaya. I should've stayed with Iroh."
"Come on," Zuko said, rolling his eyes at me.
I grumbled some more before I took a huge breath and dove down with Zuko. I propelled us towards the tunnel, and when I saw the light, I released a few bubbles by accident when I smiled.

But hey! It's a dead end. Zuko punched it but couldn't break it. I could feel my lungs screaming, and when he released some bubbles, I knew he was at his limit too. I tried to liquefy the ice or at least soften it. Zuko pressed his palms against the ice, heating it. Together, we managed to get through the ice and came out into a huge pipe, gasping.

He flopped on one side of the hole, and I on the other.
"Never! Never letting you talk me into something dumb like this again," I swore weakly. "Ugh, I've never been so cold in my life."
Zuko pulled me over, and all I managed is a muffled squeak as my face meets his shoulder.
"Ow..." I groaned.
"Sorry," he said with a slight grin.
"Jerk," I muttered.
Being as cold as I was, I snuggled closer, trying to get as warm as possible. And what can I say? Zuko felt like he was on fire.

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