Meanwhile, elsewhere in the forest with Caitlin/Amaya....

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Right... I was officially lost. I flopped down on the grass and stared at the sky that was beginning to brighten over the horizon.


I heard the sound of trees rustling and tipped my head slightly as I stared at the bush. "Lexie?"

Out of the trees burst a furious looking guy with a ponytail and scar on his face. I recognised him immediately, and my face immediately went from scared to annoyed.

"GREAT! NOW, THIS GUY APPEARS!" He turned to me, his fists burning. "Oh, calm down, I can't even throw a real punch," before he could retort, out of the forest came a fat old man. "Oh, and that guy, I like that guy."

The old man quirked a brow at me but smiled warmly anyway. "I am Iroh, and this is my nephew, Prince Zuko."
"Nice ta meet ya," I said, sitting with my soles touching. "I'm Amaya."
"You have the most unusually coloured hair," he said, coming to sit in front of me while Zuko glared from his corner.

"Uncle, we don't have time for this."
"Patience is the companion of wisdom," I said, taking a meditative pose, imitating Rafiki and pretending to be wise and stuff. It succeeded in its intended purpose. Zuko got even madder, but Iroh seemed to appreciate it.
"So Amaya, what brings you to this forest?" Iroh asked conversationally.
"Bad weather and bad luck," I responded with a shrug. "Oh, that's right! I had a friend who fell out of a tree and hit his head. He used firebending to scare away a mini puma thingy but then passed out. I was going to find someone to help him but got lost."

Iroh and Zuko gave me a look like I'm crazy. Well, Zuko did, but Iroh looked mildly amused, so I guess everything was cool.
"Your friend is a firebender? Are you a Fire Nation colonist?"
"Nope. Amateur waterbender," I said grinning. "I was hoping to run into that water tribe girl again... what was her name....?" I took on a mock thinking pose since I knew I'd already caught Zuko's attention.

"Was there a bald monk travelling with her? Where did you see her?!" he was now in my face, demanding answers and shaking me slightly as he gripped my arms.
"Ow, dude, cut it out that hurts," I shoved him off, causing him to fall onto his backside. "Geez, I don't remember where I saw her, but I remember seeing her waterbend, and I thought maybe she could teach me. BUT! My friend needs help first."
"Well then, we should see if we can't help you find this friend of yours," Iroh said, getting to his feet and smiling amiably. "And in return, you could see if you could remember where you saw this girl and who she was with."
"Oh, she was with a funny looking guy with a ponytail and a bald kid," I paused and stared at Zuko, who was about to start shouting at me again when he noticed me staring.

"You're bald AND have a ponytail... That's kinda funny."
He growled at me angrily, but before he could throw a fireball at me, I jumped to my feet and hid behind Iroh. "UNCLE IROH ZUKO'S BEING MEAN TO ME!"
Iroh laughed loudly, waving Zuko off. "Come now, nephew, she means no harm. Now, let us see if we can't find her friend." As we left, I turned back and pulled a face at a fuming Zuko.

We wandered around for a good portion of the morning, me and Iroh just chatting away while Zuko sulked in the background. In the end, we never did find where I left Lexie, but we did find huge footprints that Zuko insisted belonged to the "big hairy thing" that Aang was travelling with. We also found a blood puddle, and thus it was safe to assume that Lexie was with the Avatar. Course, when they asked what Lexie's name was, I told them I called him so many different names I'd forgotten his real name, and we settled on Kin cause why not? With some skillfully used puppy eyes, Iroh and I convinced Zuko that I should join them. I don't even know, but it sounded like fun, so I went with it.

So yeah. I was now on their boat, and we're looking for the Avatar. Since I wasn't too sure WHEN we were, I said that I saw her in a village with pirates. Zuko was most unpleased. It turned out he's already been there. In fact, they had just left there. Funny that, but now I knew Katara is still an amateur, and thus learning waterbending from her would be pointless. Aang would be more useful, and he's learning from her. The crew was actually amiable. Us and Iroh hung out frequently, while Zuko just sulked in his room. Sometimes he would come out to practice his firebending with one of the other guys, and I got to sit with Iroh and watch. I also managed to convince Iroh to teach me some firebending moves. I would never actually bend fire, but it was fun, and the firebending stances were great for self-defence, so yeah. If not, why not? Right?

I also practised waterbending in my free time since I kind of figured I really should be at least somewhat proficient at it since I knew Zuko was highly temperamental and would need some nice cold water now and then. Of course, I'd make sure to hide behind Iroh when Zuko came after me. Everyone seemed surprised to learn I was older than him. Twas a most amusing thing.

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